
Impulse-Momentum Lab

294 words | 1 page(s)

From the analysis of this lab, we can conclude that the impulse-momentum theory is correct. One way to compare the values of the launch portion and the landing portion was finding the percentage difference multiplied by 100%. Percentage wise the error was 1.5%. The values were close undoubtedly proving the impulse-momentum theory to be true. The data clearly proves the impulse-momentum theorem.

In this experiment, the value of g always remains constant. This means that g has a set strength. There was a number of systematic error that occurred in this lab. The two major sources of errors were the experimental measurement errors and friction. These errors kept the launch portion and the landing portion from being the same.

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Expansion questions
The non-ideal forces versus time graphs result from a number of factors. When an inelastic material has used the bump on the graph will be seen rising and when an elastic material is used the bump will be steep because of tension. We can estimate the influence of the force by controlling the time. When you increase the amount of time, the amount of force will decrease. To get rid of the unwanted results caused by the force time for the application of the force will have to be increased. On the converse considering that you want a bigger force, the only solution will be decreasing the time of applying the force.

Yes. It will be okay to include the area under these portions to be part of the impulse computation. This is because when the results are graphically plotted the graph, the graph will depict these portions. And since the area under the graph gives us the impulse. There is no need to exclude these portion since they contribute to the change in momentum.

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