
Innovation At Lear Company

390 words | 2 page(s)

The Lear Company openly and actively embraces innovative thought and flexibility of through, as demonstrated in concepts such as its Idea Portal, which allows consumers to directly contribute to the seatmaking process with their own ideas, as well as the Lear Innovation Center, built in 2016 in Detroit, Mich. The Innovation Center, located in Capitol Park, is where the company plans to develop new products in automotive and non-automotive sectors, as well as collaborate with the College for Creative Studies and the Wayne State university School of Engineering (“Lear Corporation Opens New Innovation Center in Detroit”). The center is built with a gallery and showroom, office space and work spaces for creativity, along with a rooftop garden for events. The Lear Corporation offers competitive pay and a benefits package, but there is little information on what those benefits entail, as the website describes it only in those vague terms.

The company’s most innovative product is also its only product—automotive seats. Equipped with TeXstyle Enhance, ProActive Posture and Lear Crafted Comfort Connect, all inherent to the product and its construction, Lear seats are among the most revered and respected in the automotive seatmaking industry. They are created to fit and comfort the customer and to “set a new global standard” as one of the world’s fully integrated manufacturers of an entire seat. What makes it innovative is its technological inventions that are already a part of what it creates. To be the leading seatmaker of the industry, what people would consider additions onto their seats must become inherent parts of the product, showing that it is premium and exclusive.

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Not much is known about Lear’s risk taking capabilities or willingness, but seeing as it is one of the leaders in the automotive seatmaking industry, and a consistent one at that, it can be argeud that the Lear Corporation is no stranger to taking risks and also receiving high rewards. However, I am not interested in the seatmaking industry, much less the automotive industry, so I would not want to work here.

  • Idea Portal. (2015, October 28). Retrieved from http://www.lear.com/Site/Company/Idea-Portal/
  • Innovations. (2015, October 28). Retrieved October 14, 2018, from http://www.lear.com/Site/Products/Seating/Innovations.aspx
  • Lear Corporation Opens New Innovation Center in Detroit. (n.d.). Retrieved October 14, 2018, from http://www.lear.com/Press-Room/4366/lear-corporation-opens-new-innovation-center-in-detroit.aspx

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