
Innovative Healthcare Delivery

372 words | 2 page(s)

Numerous healthcare programs and initiatives are being developed to enhance the quality of service delivery in healthcare systems today. Contrary to that, the healthcare sector has been experiencing a series of discoveries on new models that can improve efficiency and quality of care to the patients. One of the innovative healthcare delivery model that incorporates an interdisciplinary care delivery team is the retail clinics model. The model attracted a series of controversy at first before it was fully incorporated into the mainstream of healthcare delivery models. The main aim of the model was to initiate for timely health care delivery services to the patients in a retail environment (Guah, 2011).

The model is meant to offer basic healthcare services to minor health conditions like the flu. However, should the conditions continue, the retail providers can refer their patients to the hospitals for further medical analysis thereby creating an interdisciplinary culture amongst the delivery team. Consequently, the model allows some systems to collaborate with one another to form retail clinics. Apart from improving interdisciplinary care, retail clinics model also offer accessibility for health care service delivery to the patients. Furthermore, the model is cost-effective because it relieves the patients from running into unnecessary emergency costs (Schulte, 2013).

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Health systems that have efficiently initiated the model into practice are selling out their expertise to the upcoming retail clinics thus enhancing good interdisciplinary relationships in the sector of healthcare. Despite the fact that the innovation experienced a series of objections before it was initiated, it is now gaining popularity in the face of the public. Consequently, retail clinics have extended their services to the remote areas thus improving patient accessibility to healthcare services. In retrospect to that, the model has now gained the support of the healthcare organization consequently led to the sensitization of the masses on the need of embracing the innovation. In fact, governments and all health providers have been at the forefront of initiating for legislations that will allow free operational activities of these retail clinics (Schulte, 2013).

  • Guah, M. (2011). Healthcare delivery reform and new technologies organizational initiatives. Hershey PA: Medical Information Science Reference
  • Schulte, M. (2013). Healthcare delivery in the U.S.A.: An introduction (2nd ed.). Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis/CRC Press.

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