
Youtube, the Internet, and the Future of Movies

318 words | 2 page(s)

The main competitive force that has challenged the movie industry is the rise of the internet, accompanied by the rise of additional abilities such as video streaming and file sharing. These competitive forces have introduced problems for movie studios, such as an urgency to reimagine how movies are sold to consumers. As a result, movie and television studios have been forced to make fundamental changes to the way they advertise, manage copyrights, and distribute their movies.

These disruptive technologies have caused many companies to cease their old ways of operation, and instead adapt to the newly rising possibilities and technologies. In other words, the disruptive technologies have forced many to make the decision to either get on with the times, or risk being overshadowed by newer and more consumer-friendly companies.

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Once the movie studios realized that it was futile to fight against Youtube, they decided to enter into various copyright and licensing agreements. As a result, Youtube is able to keep copyrighted videos online, while the copyright holders still get to profit through claims and ad placements. The movie industry can learn from the example of the music industry, where many companies realized that it was better to adapt to streaming and sharing technologies and making them legal, rather than fighting against them and clinging onto older and unwanted business models.

Motion picture companies should continue to use Youtube to promote their new films because it is one of the most widely used video platforms on the internet. This means that it can bring movie companies a lot of free marketing.

The majority of video clips that I checked contained advertisements, meaning that the movie companies had copyrighted these videos. This way of advertising can be effective on many people, because it is non-obtrusive and allows advertisers to show relevant content to viewers. However, it is also worth considering that many people use ‘adblockers’ which hide these advertisements.

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