
What is Internet Neutrality?

677 words | 3 page(s)

Today, Americans passionately discuss the topic of Internet neutrality and its potential repeal, although the real definition of this term is still a mystery to many people. Despite the active media coverage of this topic, it is noticeable that not everybody understands what the term “Internet neutrality” means and why is it so crucial to protect it. This essay aims to explain the meaning of this principle and why is it so important for the economy and society as a whole. Net neutrality is vital for maintaining the core American values, such as economic competition and the freedom of speech, and its repeal would have serious economic and social consequences.

Net neutrality is the principle that consumers get unrestricted access to all websites and online business platforms (“What is Network Neutrality?”). In other words, Internet service providers (ISPs) have to treat all lawful web pages equally and have no right to speed up or slow down access to them. For example, they have to provide equally quick access to Amazon as well as eBay regardless of an ISP’s business relationships with any of these companies. This principle ensures the competition among e-commerce businesses that have to attract users by proving that they are better than their competitors. However, it would be more profitable for broadband providers to repeal net neutrality and provide certain websites with special treatment for additional fees (“What is Network Neutrality?”).

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According to Christopher Jon Springman, although the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) reinforced the rules of net neutrality in 2015, it has changed its opinion on it two years later. At the end of 2017, the FCC voted to put this principle to an end, which caused a lot of political debates. Nevertheless, the repeal was delayed, giving opponents and supporters of net neutrality one more chance to state their opinions on this topic.

This principle is the basis of economic growth and competition. The introduction of the Internet has made it possible to establish new businesses faster and cheaper than ever (“What is Network Neutrality?”). It made it much easier to enter the market and offer new services and products to customers. After the repeal of net neutrality, ISPs would have the right to discriminate companies they do not like and support their own startups or services that are ready to pay for better access. Therefore, if net neutrality will be finally put to an end, ISP’s would get almost unlimited control over the American economy. They will have the power to boost one company and oppress another. According to Springman, it is likely that they would reinforce the leading positions of strong players and destroy their competitors. Therefore, the repeal of net neutrality would eliminate the freedom of the market.

Apart from affecting American business, the cancellation of this principle would impair the freedom of speech (“What is Network Neutrality?”). Now, all Internet users have the right to express their opinions and post their photos, videos, and blog entries on various online platforms. This right is granted by the Constitution. However, the repeal of net neutrality would give ISPs the right to choose whom they would like to support or oppress. Regarding the extreme level of political polarization in the U.S., this is likely to make the situation even worse.

Overall, net neutrality is crucial for maintaining the freedom of market and speech in America. It ensures that ISPs do not discriminate any company or person and provide users with equally good access to various websites. Without this principle, broadband providers would get the power to support monopolists and oppress any entrepreneurs who would try to offer alternative products. Also, the freedom of speech would be under a great risk because certain users can get special treatment due to their political position. This situation threatens the core American values, and the nation should not support the repeal of net neutrality.

  • Springman, Christopher Jon. “Net Neutrality Explained.” NYU Law, 3 Jan. 2018, www.law.nyu.edu/news/ideas/christopher-jon-sprigman-net-neutrality-explained. Accessed 24 April 2018.
  • “What Is Network Neutrality?” Consumers Union, consumersunion.org/research/what-is-network-neutrality/. Accessed 24 April 2018.

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