
Islamophobia Essay

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The Hijab is a Muslim clothing article commonly associable with women that are used for covering their faces. In the society it acts as the ultimate sign of Muslim women.in the aftermath of the 911 terror attacks, people developed a perception that most Muslims were dangerous to the society. E general stigma that made Muslims afraid of openly identifying with Islam was developed. However this also saw the immense readopting of the hijab my Muslim ladies. This has been done to affirm the trust the Muslim people have in America as well as a means of identification by the ladies. Due to the anti-Islamic environment, this can be seen as a resistance move to any attempt of eradicating Islam from America .

The rise of Islam phobia in America has been so prominent that it is how a political tool. This has been fueled further by the general dislike of Islam by Zionist sects like the Jews and the Christians. Politicians are running for office now have to express how they intend to keep the country safe from anti-American attacks while also safeguarding the freedom of worship for American Muslims that is enshrined in the American constitution. The reason this has been a source of political mileage can be attributed to the feeling that America is under constant threat from external forces. This belief is prominent among the American people as they can be termed as angry and due to the degree of ignorance present on such issues. The America government has on several times taken stands against the Muslim, a classic example of this is when in Lebanon they sided with the Christians against Muslims, this particular support resulted in the religious cleansing and massive elimination of Muslims in the Palestinian. This show the paranoia with which most nations of the world perceive the religion of Islam with .

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There have been many protests and demonstrations for and against the Islam religion. On the 11th of September, such demonstrations were held at city hall Park in down town Manhattan. There were demonstrations in support of the construction of a Muslim cultural center that has now been termed as ground zero. This demonstration was not as attended or as well organized as the one taking place on the other side that was against the ground zero project. People of various affiliations and walks of life spoke for the construction of the center stating that it was the time that we as Americans got together and put aside religious differences. They expressed how we should do away with regressive divisions among the American people. In the protest, the people seemed to have put the effort into the planning of the exercise, there was evidence that considerable resources had been put into the demo. The message here was against the “Islamization” of America. A lot was put in place to paint Islam as the religion of blood shed with people arguing that the solution to the “Islam” situation is closing down the American borders. The ground zero project was termed as a victory mosque – which it is not- for the Muslims and Obama. Notably, the protest were primarily attended by citizens advanced in age .

Contrary to widespread perception amongst non-Muslims, the 911 attacks were not targeted against non-Muslims but to the people of America regardless of their religious affiliations. Even the Muslims, who are seen as the enemy, lost lives in the terror attack. This seems to have passed the American people as they see as though the attack was a religious target that aimed at killing non-Muslims. The fact, however, is that there were Muslims, who were also killed while others lost friends and relatives in the attacks. The people have perceived Islam in the wrong light. The truth is that Islam and the Koran is a religion of peace and love; there is not a single article of the Koran that encourages any form of harm against an innocent person. Islam teaches love and care for all .

Although it has been continuously overlooked, Islam phobia has close links to racism. This is in that there has been immense discrimination of American people both citizens and non-citizens based on their religious beliefs. This has all based on the look of their skin or other factors that directly identify them with Islam. Islam phobia can be termed as the racial discrimination against Muslims. This is evident in the paranoid way in which the Muslims are taken with in the society. Conservative Americans have continued to view Islam as an evil religion and thus does not deserve a place in the American nation. Most places the mention of an Islam name causes a stir more so when the person happens to have an accent. Automatically that person is deemed as a threat .

Lately, there have been many crimes that have been fueled by race or religion. The factors that have led to these crimes have been mainly social and economic factors. The crimes have been committed by people who feel offended by the Islam religion a view that Islam has some responsibility in the global terror situation. The continued view of Islam as the enemy has made people commit what can be termed as revenge attacks on subscribers to the Islam religion. A lot of these crimes have been committed by people who have ties to the 911 attacks or attacks in other parts of the world. The general view that all Muslims are the same can be said to be the factor that has caused the attacks on very innocent Muslims. Notably there has been a drop in the ethnically motivated crimes whereas there has been a major increase in the anti-Muslim crimes after the 911. These crimes have been more prevalent in areas with a sizeable Muslim population. Though significant attention has been paid to the dissemination of Islam, such efforts have not been put in place to address the vulnerable situation the Muslim women are in. This is more so because the religion requires them to put on regalia like the Hijab, which makes them more “noticeable” .

In conclusion, the intense misconception of Islam and what the religion stands for has led to a baseless paranoia against Muslims. These incorrect views can be corrected by deliberate efforts by both the government and the people to demystify the religion of Islam and the pillars of the faith.

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  • Cavendish, King and Disha I. “Historical events and spaces of hate: Hate crimes against Arabs and Muslims in Post-9/11 America.” Social Problems 25 February 2011. Print.
  • Davidson, Lawrence. “Islamophobia, the Israel Lobby and American Paranoia: Letter from.” Holy Land Studies: (2011). Print.
  • Garner, S and S Sold. The Racialization of Muslims: Empirical Studies of Islamophobia. London: Routledge, 2014. Print.
  • Haddad, Yvonne Yazbeck. The Post-9/11 Hijab as Icon. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. Print.

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