
IT Industry and Innovation Forecast

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Given the pace of technological advancement, the coming decade will experience significant changes in various sectors as discussed below.

Serverless Architectures
Serverless architecture refers to cloud computing applications designed to change how organizations use cloud-based services by eliminating the need for the traditional always-on server component. Business will benefit from significantly reduced operational cost, complexity, and engineering lead time with costs of infrastructure and maintenance reduced. However, they have a vendor lock-in challenge which comes with the need to transfer work from one vendor to another without additional re-engineering. To overcome this, businesses can integrate both the lock-in and open the cage options. An example case was the Desire to Learn company which overcame the challenge by opting for both vendor lock-in and open cage (D2L).

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Use of Microchips
The use of microchips will promote health and security of people. The result will be improved efficiency, reduced delays, and security threats. Moreover, microchips will enhance health by alerting people about their health conditions and keeping their medical history. Perceived challenges with microchips come with privacy and security because of hacking and monitoring. For privacy issues, legislation should protect children from being implanted. Also, those implanted should be allowed to remove the chip at will after signing a contract such that they cannot be tracked by organizations (Ramesh, 1997). Alternatively, citizens may demand a ban from the government.

Machine Learning and Deep Learning 
Many businesses will stand to benefit concerning the management of huge data chunks with Deep Learning and Machine Learning. In the future, companies will rely on technological algorithms to perform heavy-lifts and excavating actionable insights. The result will be businesses with more economical and scalable operations. The challenge comes with the building of the social and economic fabrics. Overreliance on machines will make humans obsolete, and this may translate to worsened social cues and a lack of social interconnection as well as unemployment and slavery. One suggestion by Brynjolfsson and McFree is that humans should try to race with machines (2012). If people could establish ways of upgrading human minds to race with machines, cases of social illness or unemployment will not result and employees would quickly adapt to new jobs, and with super intelligent brains, they would create new desires which would later create new industries.

  • AWS. (2018, JAN 18 ). Busting the Myth of Vendor Lock-In. Retrieved June 11, 2018, from AWS: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/publicsector/busting-the-myth-of-vendor-lock-in/
  • Brynjolfsson, E., & McAfee, A. (2012). Race against the machine: How the digital revolution is accelerating innovation, driving productivity, and irreversibly transforming employment and the economy. Brynjolfsson and McAfee.
  • Buchholz, S. (2017, Nov 9). The Many Potential Benefits of Serverless Computing. Retrieved June 11, 2018, from The Wall Street Journal: http://deloitte.wsj.com/cio/2017/11/09/serverless-computings-many-potential-benefits/
  • Richard van Hooijdonk. (2017, April 23). Human Microchipping, The Benefits, And Downsides. Retrieved June 11, 2018, from Richard van Hooijdonk: https://www.richardvanhooijdonk.com/en/the-benefits-and-downsides-human-microchipping/
  • Ramesh, E. M. (1997). Time Enough-Consequences of Human Microchip Implantation. Risk, 8, 373.

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