
James LeBron Is a Better Basketball Player than Michael Jordan

364 words | 2 page(s)

Michael Jordan and James LeBron are, without any doubt, two legendary figures in the world of basketball. Having set numerous personal records and having led their teams to the NBA finals in which they took the first prizes, these two athletes deserve to be called the legends of American basketball. However, when these two sportsmen are compared, LeBron seems to have a leading position since he is a more promising athlete and can be really called “a one-man army.”

First, LeBron and Jordan’s careers developed in different ways. Jordan became a member of the Chicago Bulls and started his career when he was twenty-one. Till that time, the Chicago Bulls was already one of the leading teams not only in Chicago but in the whole state. In other words, from the very beginning, Jordan worked with real professionals who already knew how to lead the team to victory, and a new player’s talent just helped them to improve the team’s brilliant reputation. As for LeBron, his career started at the age of eighteen, just after the future basketball star finished high school. The results demonstrated by the Cleveland Cavaliers were not that impressive in their early years, and LeBron, in fact, was the main person who brought the team to NBA finals. During the first years of his career, LeBron, though he was very young, approved himself as a gifted and hard-working player who was able to lead any team he joined to victory.

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Besides, LeBron is a unique sportsman who can play all five positions. Partially, it is due to his impressive height – six feet nine inches. At different stages of his career, LeBron performed the functions of the point guard, shooting guard, center, and the small and power forwards. In other words, LeBron is a universal player and a real godsend for every team he joins since he can substitute any player. Meanwhile, Jordan, during his career, played only three positions – those of the shooting guard, small forward, and the point guard. It should also be mentioned that LeBron is considered to be one of the fastest modern basketball players that also gives him the edge above other players.

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