
Job Goals and Action Timeline

288 words | 1 page(s)

My personal goal is to manage my time more effectively. To achieve this, I will get rid of waste occupying my thoughts, distracting my actions, and polluting my immediate environment. I should spend more time on valuable things, such as self-learning, reading, sports, and hobbies. I should say ‘No’ to all the abundant information and news that have nothing to do with my life, as well as to posting and communicating in social networks. I will spend extra hour on jogging rather than sleeping in the morning, and an hour on reading rather than browsing Facebook in the evening.

Education goals:
I intend to relate my education to my future career. Rather than caring about part-time jobs, I will use my time at college for gaining theoretical skills and practical experience. I will work on theoretical and empirical studies that will secure an array of career options for me. In addition to academic studies, I will spend much time on self-education.

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Career goals:
From the wide choice of culinary services, I have focused on baking and pastry. The program inspires me to bake extraordinary pastries per customer requests. In my future workplace, I would like to offer extra value to the restaurants. My goal is to allow customers with extra culinary options of pastries beyond standardized offers. First, I will gain sufficient knowledge about baking mastery and pastries. After college, I intend to open up my own pastry shop that will serve customers with extraordinary pastries. Such an ambitious outlook proves that I just want to be one of the best on the competitive market of culinary services. After a 10-year-experience as a pastry shop owner, I will write a book on how to be successful in life.

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