
Laptops vs. Tablets

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The technological progress over the last few decades has been astonishing by any measures. As one looks at the earliest commercial models of products such as cell phones and computers, one cannot help but notice how much lighter yet phenomenally more powerful these products are today. Not only products have become more powerful and lighter but consumers also have far more choices as computing products such as laptops and tablets devices demonstrate. Even though both laptops and tablet devices share many characteristics, the differences between them can be significant enough for certain groups of customers.

Both laptops and tablet devices share several features and functions. First of all, many types of software have versions for both laptop and tablet devices. These software include productivity software such as word processors, games, and apps. Both laptop and tablet devices also have quite similar internet browsing capabilities and are primarily designed to connect with the internet wirelessly as opposed to desktop computers. Now many laptops come with touch-screen capabilities, just like tablet devices.

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But just as there are similarities, there are differences, too. One of the most apparent differences is the lack of physical keyboard in a tablet device as opposed to laptop. While tablet devices do have virtual keyboard, not everyone is comfortable with it. The reasons are that typing tends to be faster on a physical keyboard and also tends to be more accurate. Another difference between laptop and tablet devices is that laptops tend to have larger screens as well as better screen resolutions than tablet devices (Packer).

Even though both are easy to carry around, tablet devices are more portable in nature due to their size as well as weight. The difference in weight between laptop and tablet devices tends to be so significant that while one can safely hold tablet device with one hand, laptops tend to be held with both hands. Another difference between laptop and tablet devices is in battery power. Since laptops tend to have more powerful processors, the battery power usually varies between 2-4 hours though it may be higher for some models. On the other hand, tablet devices can easily be used for over ten hours on battery alone. As a result, tablet devices may be better for travel (GadgetCare).

Both laptops and tablet devices are used for productivity purposes but they may appeal to professionals in different career fields. Laptops tend to have higher processing power and able to run software faster as opposed to tablet devices. As a result, they may appeal to business professionals who often work on productivity software such as Microsoft Office Suite. On the other hand, tablet devices have been becoming popular among artists in fields such as painting and music which explains why many music production companies and hardware manufacturers have created specific programs for tablet platform (Lenovo).

Another difference between laptops and tablet devices is scalability. While tablet devices tend to come with fixed configurations, laptops can easily be upgraded such as processor and storage. In addition, laptops offer greater connectivity options with other devices due to features such as USB ports and SD cards which tablet devices usually don’t have (Lipscomb). Thus, tablet devices tend to prefer convenience over performance while laptops tend to prefer performance over convenience.

Both laptops and tablet devices are revolutionary products that have made it possible to engage in mobile computing. They serve same purposes, too such as using productivity software and browsing internet but their strengths and weaknesses vary which make these respective devices appealing to different groups of customers.

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