
Living with Parents

549 words | 2 page(s)

Living with family seems like a luxurious, secure way of life. One good reason to leave the family is to get married and start your own family. However, just because one is an adult does not mean that one should live independently. Young people do not have as much experience with life to solve their problems and may not be able to handle the responsibilities of living on their own. Therefore, young people should live with their families until marriage, as they cannot handle as many responsibilities, and they do not have as much experience with life.

Firstly, young adults can live with parents who have more experience with life. Parents can advise and control their children and guide them the right way. Parents can help their children with most of their problems, as they have been through similar problems when they were young adults. For instance, young people are so curious and interested in everything, including bad behavior. They might drink alcohol without knowing the side effects behind it. By having parents that direct them, they will pay more attention to their parents’ instructions, since parents have their children’s best interests at heart.

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Another reason to live with parents is to share the responsibilities. Parents can help with money, food, internet, laundry, and cleaning that will not be on the shoulders of youth, who want to enjoy their free time. For example, young people do not have the opportunity to save money as their parents do, which leads them to have money issues when they live independently, which decreases funds for enjoyment. If they are students who are working to pay their tuition, they may have less time to study, which can cause poorer grades.

On the other hand, some people think that when young adults have conflicts at home they should leave the home and live independently. However, this is not a good solution. Children are the closest people to their parents’ heart. They should try to work things out, this good communication helping young adults to solve future problems with co-workers, friends, and partners.

Others may state that their child may decide to live with a partner. While it is understandable to want to get to know somebody better, it may not be the best choice. Living with a romantic partner without being tied to the marriage contract may lead to serious conflicts. Couples who live together versus being married may not work as hard to preserve the relationship. If the couple has children together and the relationship ends, the child may be forced to live with one parent, which can be difficult for everyone. However, deciding to live with one’s parents until one is ready to get married can avoid these problems, allowing young people to mature emotionally, socially, and financially.

There are seven billion people in the world from different cultures. Each culture has different traditional reasons regarding the subject of whether young people should live with their families. However, by realizing the advantages of living with parents, such as saving money, receiving guidance, and less responsibility, people may abandon their beliefs, more young people living with their parents. Therefore, young people should live with their families until marriage, as young people cannot handle as much responsibility and have less life experience.

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