
Managing Change In Organizations

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An organization faces various challenges in its daily operations whether externally or internally. The challenges may include varying marketing conditions, technologies, competition, input costs and customer demands. In the health sector, globalization, changing demographic and lifestyles among other factors may require organizational changes (Kumar, Kumar, Adhish, & Reddy, 2015). For an organization to succeed, it is required for them to adapt these shifting forces. It requires change management to manage the impact of these vital adaptations to the organization’s individual and its operations. From the YouTube video, people respond differently to change and therefore change management ensures that a manager can navigate the responses to change for the success of a firm or an organization.

There is a fundamental difference between first order and second order changes in management. First order changes involve various adjustments that can be in processes, systems or even structures. The main point to note is that first order change does not involve the change in core values, corporate identity or strategy of an organization. The first order changes are made or developed and maintained by the organization. These changes are designed for the support of order and continuity of an organization. They are changes that are incremental in a way (Vedenik, & Leber, 2015).

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Second order changes, unlike first-order changes, are discontinuous. They alter the core of the fundamental core of the organization thereby radically transforming the organization. Second order change does not include developing but a full transformation of the nature of an organization.

Change management is also referred to as change control. It focuses on supporting the organizations transition from a less ideal status quo to the desired future state (Vedenik, & Leber, 2015). There are various reactions to change in an organization. Some individuals critic the change, the ones that panic due to change, the by stander and the navigator that is empowered to work with the changing circumstances. The manager’s challenge is to ensure that people become navigators during a change.

There is vitality in sharing the vision with key stakeholders in the organization before implementing change. As explained above from the Youtube video, there are various reactions to change that include panicking, ignoring, criticizing and navigation. The role of change management is to ensure that individual’s become change navigators in that they work with the changing environment for the success of the organization. Stakeholders are supposed to be informed that the change being experienced is for the good of the organization.

Involving the stakeholders will aid the organization in achieving the goals that the current structure, client servicing and functions of the organization cannot achieve. Change management also aids in reducing the adverse effects that the change may bring. Therefore, involving stakeholders is a process of change management that helps explain to them the goals of the change process. Change managers should continuously communicate the threat that is posed due to not changing. The stakeholders need to be involved in decision making while conducting change (Vedenik, & Leber, 2015).

Stakeholder’s involvement in the change management is vital as it avoids the critics that can lead to resistance to change. Their involvement can include celebrating and emphasizing on the success that change can bring. There is always an assumption that managers are plotting terrible things hence they may think that the change being experience is in the plot (Vedenik, & Leber, 2015). Therefore, communication to the stakeholders is a necessity for the change management process.

Involving the stakeholders will minimize uncertainty due to their involvement. It also aids in emphasizing the importance of change and the goal towards change. The stakeholder’s involvement reduces panic and ensures that they work with the changes for the success of the organization (Kumar, Kumar, Adhish, & Reddy, 2015).

As a leader that aims at effectively managing and ensuring change for the success of an organization, there are various things that they need to ensure. They need to develop individuals to become change navigators. Change navigators in an organization are individuals have the power and tools to work with the changing circumstances (Doodle Slide, 2012). They do not assume that managers are plotting evil ideas that are being implemented through change but consider change as a vital process to the organization.

Leaders need to create a shared vision so that people in the organization can commit to change. The clear and compelling vision will create a pull for individuals and create a status quo for change. Sharing with stakeholders ensures that they possess a greater sense of control and make change be viewed as less threatening (Doodle Slide, 2012).

An effective leader creates a plan that the change process will be effected. The plan creates certainty about what the change will result. People love certainty and to ensure that stakeholders support the plan, they need to be involved in developing or designing the same plan. Therefore, an effective leader involves the stakeholders and other employees. It provides the other employees to have an input in the change process. Successful leaders in implementing change will analyze potential resistance to the change. The analysis may be followed by prevention mechanisms for the possible resistance (Doodle Slide, 2012). If it is the case of certain employees, the solution will be ensuring their participation in the formation of change plans.

Successful leaders for implementing change require an implementation plan. The implementation plan requires a schedule. The plan will eliminate some uncertainty that may be present due to the change. There is an aspect of unpredictability in some models of change and therefore as a leader, one should ensure that their plan is flexible for such occasions. Finally, change managers require communicating the change so as to succeed in the process. They should involve the team and continuously communicate threats so that other employees can navigate through them.

  • Carnall, C. A., & By, R. T. (2014). Managing change in organizations. Harlow [u.a.: Pearson.
  • Kumar, S., Kumar, N., Adhish, V., & Reddy, R. (2015). Strategic management and leadership for health professionals – Skills to leverage resources to achieve health goals. Indian J Community Med, 40(3), 158. http://dx.doi.org/10.4103/0970-0218.158845
  • Thomas, S. J., & Thomas, S. J. (2002). The workbook for Successfully managing change in organizations: A users guide. New York: Industrial Press.
  • Vedenik, G., & Leber, M. (2015). Change management with the aid of a generic model for restructuring business processes. International Journal Of Simulation Modelling (IJSIMM), 14(4), 584-595.

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