
Managing Conflict in Workplace

384 words | 2 page(s)

The recent conflict I experienced was with an officer who never reported on time and his behaviour had affected the team and made them feel overstretched. The behaviour of the officer created the opportunity for conflict because he was warned about coming late without any improvement. The behaviour of the officer made the entire team feel bad about him which is an indication that the team and the recognised that there was conflict (Wood et al., 2016). The team started been unfriendly to the officer and kept a distance from him and further, no member of the team accepted an assignment together with him because they feared that he would let them down.

The behaviour of the team towards the officer started becoming visible, and members would talk about the issue openly. The officer realised his mistake and began to improve his behaviour, after which he apologised to the team and regained their trust. The conflict resolution helped to improve the performance of the group (Wood et al., 2016). The approach that I used in managing the conflict is to let the officer realise his mistake. I also made the team accept the officer and help him to improve. The approach used in managing the conflict was effective because it helped to improve the performance of the team. In future, if a similar issue will happen is to understand the problem the officer could be having that made him come late.

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The results of the negation were effective because it helped the officer regain the trust of the team. The best bargaining strategy that would work best is integrative bargaining because it would help the officer come on time raising his and the team’s performance. The steps in negotiation that will have a problem are the definition of the group rules and bargaining and negotiation (Wood et al., 2016). This is because at these stages, every party is likely to restrict their behaviour because they do not want to appear weak. The problems will be overcome by making each party feel that they are the ones in control.

  • Wood, J.M., Zeffane, R.M., Fromholtz, M., Wiesner, R., Morrison, R., Factor, A., McKeown, T., Schermerhorn, J.R., Hunt, J.G. and Osborn, R.N., (2016). Organisational behaviour: core concepts and applications. John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

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