
Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament

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I recently attended a Medieval Times Dinner and Tournament, which is a concept experience that includes entertainment, food and the feeling of living in the middle ages. The company which produces this event describes it as a number one dinner theater attraction, with locations throughout the United States and Canada. It appeals to all of the senses, and builds an overall feeling of life long ago in Europe at a time when knights and kingdoms prevailed. I found that in addition to seeing the art I was also able to hear, smell, taste and touch it. As it turned out, this had both benefits and challenges.

The aesthetic elements of the event included décor, costumes and music. These were supplemented by a storyline which created drama with a jousting tournament and the smells of medieval inspired food. The concept is complete immersion, and it is clear that considerable effort goes into the preparations and design. Not all elements were aligned, and the modern day did intrude in terms of other guests as well as the use of technology. Suspension of disbelief is a necessary aspect of enjoying this event, but it sometimes required effort on the part of the participant.

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The Hall of Arms was an interesting exhibit of various aspects of medieval life, including the coats of arms which were used by families of that time as well as many weapons, including those used for torture. This added an element of danger to the experience, which was a good way to get people into the mood for the jousting tournament. These also added to an underlying theme, which was that the medieval period was not an easygoing time, but rather one that included threats, pain and anxiety. From the safety of a tourist attraction, this can be appreciated without worry.

The trumpets sounded, and the depth of tone and very novel tunes helped to create a formal feeling which was complemented as dinner was served by actors in period dress. Adding to this experience was the fact that knives and forks were not available- it was necessary to eat in the same way that the nobility would have eaten hundreds of years ago, which did require some getting used to. I felt that the challenge was a bit much as I would have enjoyed my meal more if I did not have to get my hands dirty, but it did act touch to the list of senses which were used to experience the event.

The dinner had already started when the show began, and this included displays of horsemanship as well as various feats prior to the actual jousting. When the duel began the audience did not need to be primed as they cheered on their favorites. Most guests were clearly transported through this experience.

The event was very enjoyable, and I would definitely recommend it to others. Even for individuals who are not interested in medieval times the experience is both social as well as immersing a person into another world through all of the senses. This ensured that the event, and art, was very accessible to anyone who attends. While counterintuitive I think that an improvement would be to prioritize comfort over authenticity. While it of course the intention is to build an overall experience of being in the medieval world, the participant is already motivated to suspend their disbelief. For this reason aspects such as not providing silverware went too far. I spent much of the evening with greasy fingers which did affect my enjoyment of the show which included horses and jousting. While I would not mind going again, I might bring my own cutlery or at the very least wipes and hand sanitizer.

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