
Methods of Communication in Advertising

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People or the public in general can be easily persuaded or convinced to perform a particular action, like buying a good or service in many ways. One of the utmost common as well as effective way that has been practiced over the years until now is the use of advertisements. Advertisements are done everywhere especially in the streets, magazines, newspapers, televisions, radios, at road sides and also via the internet major through social networks. Some of these advertisements might get your attention while others might not. This is determined by how appealing the advertisement is or rather how professional it might look in the case of a serious business. It should be well-known that commercials are not only done by business men but it can also be done by politicians, especially seeking election to a public office or even by religious individuals who might wish to invite faithful worshippers to concerts and crusades or even a prayer meeting. Nevertheless, an individual can also advertise himself to the public. This is commonly known as transforming yourself into a brand.

The method of communication that is utilized in an advertisement should be persuasive, influential, manipulative but in a positive way and should also be able to encourage the group to perform a certain action that the advertisement tends to achieve. There are similarly some guidelines that should be strictly followed so as to be able to come up with a good type of advertisement. These are coming up with an advertisement that contain the correct type of information, directed to the right individual, who must be in the right spot and finally at the lowest cost possible. This is to ensure that the purpose of the advertisement is achieved hence making the whole process to be productive.

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As said earlier, the advertisements should be appealing to the eyes so as to attract the attention of the public at large. This is the one approach that one can use to promote the ideas, goods or services embedded in the advertisement. The use of advertisement, passes as a nonverbal communication technique that is very effective to all. Some advertisements can also be verbal in the sense that they include the use of pictures and sound. In this instance, no individual is left out since the deaf and dump can see the advertisements on bill boards hence they are capable to read the information contained in them. On the other hand the blind will be able to here advertisements that have sound or rather those kind of advertisements that are verbally conducted.

It is a very significant factor that all advertisements should be able to impact the targeted people in a positive way. For this purpose it is very vital that before an advertisement is placed out there to the public, it should go through professional scrutiny to guarantee that it comprises the right info that will have a constructive bearing on the lives of the public. There are several roles that an advertisement has one of which is to inform or educate the public on a number of things. Secondly, it can be used to persuade the public to buy a certain good or service. It is also used to remind and enforce meaning. Those who wish to make an advertisement should therefore make sure that they understand the objective of the advertisement to enable them form messages that effectively achieve the intended goal.

Advertising is often used by producers to introduce their products to the public. In the process, marketers and advertisers collect information on buying habits, write slogans, design logos, and produce millions of advertisements that appear in various media, from highway billboards to television commercials to Internet Web sites. On the other hand, there exists critics who claim that the constant stream of advertising that bombards consumers every day may misinform them or encourage them to live beyond their means. They insist that advertising may also create false or unrealistic ideas about the way people should look and act. Others argue that advertising is a form of communication protected by free-speech laws and that consumers can weigh advertising claims and make independent decisions.

Advertising is an important tool in the economy which enables the competition of goods and services. Since a market economy is based on supply and demand, while the demand for a given item exceeds the supply, its price increases. This sequentially leads to an escalation in its production. It also creates the awareness of a certain product by letting the public know that a certain product is available for purchase. By creating the awareness of a product, advertising also helps consumers make informed choices. There are several bodies available, to regulate advertising. They ensure that the adverts are truthful. In addition to truth and falsity, advertising practices also raise other concerns and often lead to conflict between advertisers and citizens’ groups or media critics. A good example is advertising in the tobacco industry. Although tobacco products are legal, they are known to be harmful to a person’s health. These regulation bodies have struggled to balance protecting public health with the rights of tobacco companies to advertise their products. The advertising industry also faces ethical questions. For example, “sex sells” is an old saying in the advertising industry. Images of attractive people have been used to sell lots of products from truck tires to toothpaste. The intended message to consumers is that anyone who uses the product will appear more youthful, attractive, or sophisticated. However, critics argue that the use of unnecessary sexual imagery, such as showing women half naked, reinforces the idea that women are merely sexual objects. Some also insist that many adverts promote unrealistic ideas. Product placement; an undertaking in which advertisers pay to have their products appear in television shows or movies-is now widespread. Critics argue that this blurs the line between entertainment and advertising.

In conclusion, advertising is a very important tool used by manufacturers to create the awareness of their products and services. It is also beneficial to consumers in that it helps them in making informed choices. Advertising can however be improperly used. As a result, several regulation bodies have been created to ensure the authenticity of adverts and thus reduce conflict between advertisers and media critics.

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