
My Contribution To Flagship 2030

337 words | 2 page(s)

The United States is rapidly growing more populous and diverse. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates the country’s population will be 422-458 million by 2050 and that the U.S. minority population, currently 30 percent, will exceed 50 percent by that date (Kotkin). One of the primary aspects that I’m looking for in my education is a school that will reflect an understanding of our changing, diverse, world. That school is the University of Colorado-Boulder, because of their Flagship 2030 program.

The Flagship 2030 program, has as one of its eight core inititatives, “Learning for a Diverse World: Implement new strategies for improving diversity; foster a supportive and inclusive climate for all.” (University of Colorado). This is an intiative that I wholeheartedly support. I would like to study mechanical engineering, a field which can help all of mankind. By doing this, I can help in the building of machines which can improve the world. I am a hard worker who is prepared to take on a rigorous curriculum of study.

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I would like to enrich the diverse community in Boulder by being inclusive of everyone, regardless of race, gender, economic background or creed. Everyone has their own unique and diverse attributes in their abilities and personalities. I get along with many people of various backgrounds and enjoy learning about their backgrounds. I’m also a good listener, and a good friend, especially when they need some sort of help. I am also planning on being active in the University of Colorado community by participating in some clubs, work at least one internship, and help out with the school’s charitable efforts.

And yes, I also hope to have fun with my college experience, including making new friends of diverse backgrounds. Having a wonderful experience at the University of Colorado-Boulder will help me be better prepared for our ever-increasing diverse world.

  • Kotkin, Joel, (July-August 2010) “The Changing Demographics of America”, Smithsonian 40th Anniversary, Retrieved from http://www.smithsonianmag.com
  • University of Colorado, Flagship 2030 Strategic Plan, Retrieved from http://www.colorado.edu

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