
My Contributions to the Nursing Profession

413 words | 2 page(s)

From the time I was a young child, I have always wanted to be a registered nurse. The thought of saving lives and helping people heal is one of the greatest acts of service that a person can offer to another human being. When I watched “ER” and “Grey’s Anatomy,” I would see myself working in the medical profession, hoping to get that chance someday. I have a strong work ethic and sense of empathy for suffering people. Resilient and able to adapt to unexpected situations, I feel these qualities can serve me well in the nursing profession. Infused with diligence, I am attuned to following ethical codes that pertain to patients, their loved ones, and practices related to the patient’s care facility. Personal growth and development, concerning career planning, positive mental health, and self-assessment are important to me; a well-balanced nurse is a more effective nurse. I also realize that a nurse needs to demonstrate excellence and make unique contributions to her field, as an advocate for special populations.

I have always has a sense of compassion for the elderly population. Because people are living longer today, I feel that the aging population has unique needs that need to be addressed now and down the road. As a whole, older people take more medications than other groups, receive a limited income, and may be dealing with chronic illnesses. This requires more money that elderly people do not always have, their bank accounts and savings that they worked so hard for dwindling from excess medical expenses. Even with President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act of 2014, there are still serious problems affecting the aging community. Many of them cannot afford expensive residence facilities, such as nursing homes and other assisted living situations. While I am still deciphering what my nursing role is in resolving these problems, I know that it is my calling to serve this group. How can I position myself to secure the best job opportunities to rectify these issues and to create positive change for the elderly?

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I feel that this answer lies in getting accepted into your institution’s nursing school program, a program that I feel can help me obtain a stellar education and provide the direction I need to serve as an advocate for the elderly population and other groups that need my care. As a nurse, I have the opportunity to heal, repair, inspire, and change lives. What greater gift exists besides serving humanity?

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