
Nitric Oxide and Reactive Oxygen Species in the Pathogenesis of Preeclampsia

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It is well known in the scientific community that ROS content is attributed to negative impactions for many disease states. This report presents upon the referenced literature review, which was conducted in order to correlate the effects of ROS and derivatives to the disease state of preeclampsia. Key points of the referenced literature review are cited in order to derive the most pertinent information and the next steps.

Introduction – Research Problem Statement
The research topic that is highlighted within this paper focuses on the interaction of chemical structures during the process of the preeclampsia disease state. Hence, the paper is appropriately titled review of “Nitric Oxide and Reactive Oxygen Species in the Pathogenesis of Preeclampsia” (Matsubara et.al, 2010). As a background it is noted that Reactive Nitrogen species (RNS) are classified within the family of antimicrobial molecules (Sarath et.al, 2007). RNS compounds are known universally as toxic chemicals in plant and animal species. Their roles have thus been studied extensively in the induction of many disease states. Preeclampsia is a disorder related to pregnancy and is characterized by high blood pressure and a large amount of amino acids in the urine (Matsubara et.al, 2010). Left untreated the hallmark symptoms include seizure for the mother and poor prognosis for the baby, characterized as eclampsia. In parallel, preeclampsia (PE) is characterized by migration toward uterine spiral arteries leading to increased uteroplacental resistance. The pathogenesis that is investigated within this study is mediation based. Hence, the research question is stated within the paper and may be summarized as follows: What is the impact of altered bioavailiability of Nitric Oxide (NO) and tissue damage caused by increased levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS)?

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Theoretical Base
The rationale behind investigating the interactions of NO and ROS within the disease state of preeclampsia is justifiable via simple literature review. It is noted that many medical practitioners and researchers have indicated that ROS and NO content are heavily influenced by various disease states and in many cases, increasing or decreasing the level may lead to a better prognosis (Sarath et.al, 2007). Furthermore, it is well known that PE is characterized by vasodialatory properties (Matsubara et.al, 2010). RNS compounds are well-known as vasodilators. Scientists within this report indicate that the breakdown molecules of NO (ROS) such as 0N00- are known to accumulate in the placental tissues and directly impact the occurrence of preeclampsia. The rationale is that the reduction of 0N00 will lead to a better prognosis for the preeclampsia disease state. An additional factor that was investigated within this report is the use of ROS molecules as stimulators for platelet adhesion and aggregation. Data indicates that intravascular coagulation occurs and is in fact induced by ROS. The result is that placental infraction may occur and further developmental issues related to blood and nutrient flow from the mother to the prenatal child, may occur.

The experiments conducted by these scientists were specific to quantitatively measuring the content of ROS and their derivatives. In addition, qualitative data was obtained in order to correlate the symptoms (or relief of symptoms) with varying concentrations of ROS and derivatives. It is observed that this experiment was lacking of actual hands on experiment. Hence, literature review served the purpose of deriving data and correlating it to what is likely the factor that impacts preeclampsia. Due diligence was performed via literature review on the following topics: (1) Oxidative Stress in the Pathogenesis of PE, (2) NO Content during Normal pregnancy and in the Pathogenesis of PE, (3) 0N00- in PE, (4) Antioxidant System (Matsubara et.al, 2010). Within the introduction section the researcher provides background information pertaining to the disease state and the factors that he/she believes impacts the disease state. The researcher introduces what he calls the “two-step-theory”, and this serves as a further aid to visually describe how preeclampsia develops and how the disease may be present post-natal. ROS is not clearly defined within the introductions section and is not described in great detail by the research group. However, the research group does provide critical information to state the information that supports the problem statement, within subsequent headings.

For each of the investigated attributes results are presented within the applicable subheading. For example, the researcher is able to correlate the actions that occur within the body (at the molecular level) to the presence of: ROS-producing enzymes, NADPH Oxidase, Uncoupled Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase (eNOS), Xanthine Oxidase (XO), and of course ROS (Matsubara et.al, 2010). He is able do determine what occurs, with respect to the increase and decrease of the previously stated molecule, with respect to the observed characteristic of preeclampsia, which in this example is : Oxidative Stress. Results appear to be detailed enough for all of the investigated attributes, and results are also based on peer-reviewed data/literature. However, as a scientist, one always questions the validity of a study when it is merely based on literature review, which intends to correlate various studies (perhaps seeking different outputs), to determine the effect of one or few factors. Nevertheless, the research group provides an unbiased assessment by clearly stating the results and where they were obtained.

Discussion / Personal Reaction
The discussion or conclusion statement re-states the hypothesis of the problem statement, and the research group is able to determine the primary factor that causes preeclampsia as a result of ROS and derivatives. It was also noted that additional risk factors for patients that are predisposition to having higher levels of inherent ROS, were at greater risk for developing preeclampsia. This research indicates that treatment which focuses on reducing the ROS content in patients will also reduce the amount of oxidative stress that is endured, and in parallel help to mitigate the symptoms of preeclampsia (Matsubara et.al, 2010).

Conclusion – Personal Reaction
I believe that this paper set the stage for further research. Due to the fact that it was a simple (but in-depth) literature review there is no true translational information that may be directly applied to treatment options. However, it is beneficial to accumulate data in this manner in order to move forward with possible trials that may be applicable to the preeclampsia disease state, with respect to ROS content. I think that this group of scientists surely executed the due-diligence that will be necessary before any true experimental procedures are crafted. Hence, this report may serve as a referenceable foundation of experimental scientists.

  • Matsubara, K., Matsubara, Y., Hyodo, S., Katayama, T., & Ito, M. (2010). Role of nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research. doi:10.1111/j.1447-0756.2009.01128.x
  • Sarath, G., Hou, G., Baird, L. M., & Mitchell, R. B. (2007). Reactive oxygen species, ABA and nitric oxide interactions on the germination of warm-season C 4 grasses. Planta. doi:10.1007/s00425-007-0517-z

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