
‘Normal’ Sexuality

367 words | 2 page(s)

‘Normal’ sexuality has been recognized as one of the major factors leading to suffering in human sexuality. The idea itself of what is considered normal results from information obtained from mostly unreliable sources such as family, friends and other sources of information such as the print media (Sandfort, 2000). The main problem with is that once an individual accepts the idea, he or she feel bound to remain within its confines and is scared to of stepping outside it. Therefore, it is vital to find out what ‘normal’ sexuality is and whether there it exists.

In the pursuit of what ‘normal’ sexuality looks like, one discovers that it is extremely difficult to describe it. This results from the fact that definitions of ‘normal’ sexuality vary from community to community, and among varying sexual orientations (Roleff, 2001). For example, currently in the world some countries have accepted homosexuality as a normal form of sexuality as any other. On the other hand, it is not only illegal in many other countries but it is considered either a psychological disorder, a mundane activity, a sin, a curse, a cause of illness or a combination of all these (Stalcup, Swisher & Leone, 1995). It is also important to note that, by community, this relates to social, cultural and religious groups since they form the foundation of an individual’s sexual orientation.

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In conclusion, it is impossible to give a general description of ‘normal’ sexuality without discriminating or sidelining certain communities. Therefore, ‘normal’ sexuality does exist, but within the confines of the norms and beliefs of individual social groups with which humans associate. Moreover, the two genders have different approaches to sexuality, and there are numerous sexual experiences that satiate people in different ways, resulting in different libidos or sex drives (Nye, 1999). For these reasons, ‘normal’ sexuality is what any group of people accepts it to be and find satisfaction in associating themselves with it.

  • Sandfort, T., & Rademakers, J. (2000). Childhood sexuality: normal sexual behavior and development. New York: Haworth Press.
  • Roleff, T. L. (2001). Teenage sexuality: opposing viewpoints. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press.
  • Stalcup, B., Leone, B., & Swisher, K. (1995). Human sexuality: opposing viewpoints. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven
  • Nye, R. A. (1999). Sexuality. Oxford [England]: Oxford University Press.

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