
Nursing Power Analysis

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Obesity, mostly in adulthood, has proved to lead to an increased probability for impending death from many causes, such as cancer, heart disease and cerebrovascular disease. On the other hand, it can also push for severe health problems, comprising of diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, gallbladder disease, and hypertension. Obesity in children as well as adolescents is also linked with severe health complications, comprising of heart disease, cancer, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, cerebrovascular disease, and death from all causes. Conversely, this gradually results into poverty as well as lower educational achievement (Dietz, 1998).

In the last three decades, the occurrence of obesity has augmented severely; at present 65% of grownups in America are categorized as either obese or overweight. Its occurrence has grown even more severely among young adults and adolescents, which is disturbing since obesity endures into adulthood for approximately 70% of overweight teenagers. Another impact of obesity is that it brings an extraordinary financial cost; roughly, $100 billion annually is expended on health care issues linked to obesity (Wolf, 1998).

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Many leaders have been to the limelight regarding nursing and related healthcare issues and helped in initiating major health care projects. Marilyn Tavenner started her career in Johnson-Willis Hospital based in Richmond, Vancouver as a nurse. Currently, she works at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as an agency administrator and with over 25 years of experience working in different positions for HCA Inc. She has a wealth of experience in dealing with obesity issues due to her experience in being the group president for outpatient services. Tavenner is featured in the U.S. government’s annual list of 100 Most Influential People in Modern Healthcare. On the other hand, as the president and CEO of Catholic Health Association, Sister Carol Keehan begun her occupation in the 1980s as a nurse and worked as the vice President of Providence Hospital dealing with ambulatory care, nursing as well as training. She has worked at her current station for a decade and told NurseZone that her hope is that various nurses will carry their desire for patient care to evolve health care for better results. This can be incorporated with obesity issues since she has the will, motivation and experience to deal with related issue in health care (Nursezone.com, 2015).

American Nurses Association poses as one of the best healthcare units to deal with obesity with Marla J. Weston as the CEO. Weston stated that she has significant mentors in her nursing profession. She brings a lot of experience for the assortment of nursing roles held, containing, nurse executive, nurse educator, intensive care in addition to medical-surgical entities, clinical nurse professional, and director of patient care support. Formerly, she worked at Arizona Nurses Association as an executive director and in Veteran’s Affairs Workforce Management Office as a deputy chief officer. Another professional figure is Maureen Bisognano. She was among the list of quality development influential persons in on Most Influential list in 2014. Currently, she holds the role of the CEO at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. In 1973, her career stated as a staff nurse at Quincy City Hospital, was promoted to the chief operating officer in 1986 (Modern Healthcare, 2015).

In 2014, Modern Healthcare named the CEO and Chairperson of the Kaiser Permanente, Bernard J. Tyson, as the second most influential leader in health care. He was the highest ranked in the private sector since he urgently called health care organizations to revolve the health industry and change their attention to serving and assisting Americans live better lives. On the other hand, Benjamin Chu who has turn out to be a noticeable figure among hospital supporters both nationally and regionally has worked at the Kaiser Foundation Hospitals as the executive vice president. This organization is the pioneer of the Medicaid Insurance Program. Medicaid is the U.S.’s leading public health insurance program for citizens with low earnings and the only largest source of health coverage. Latest statistics show that Medicaid serves more than 68 million Americans, which is a 20% coverage among all health insurance providers. Every state has an obligation to design and manage their own Medicaid plans within state requirements. This program will help obese people to acquire affordable health care (Herman, 2015).

Aertna Bertolini was recognized by the survey of Modern Healthcare as one of the top ten people in health care considered by their peers and an professional board as the most influential people in the industry, with regard to leadership and impression. He once said that Health care should be affordable for everybody. Obesity is a global issue and by this statement, which heavily influenced the health care industry, he has the willpower to transform the policies of handling obesity issues. The suggestion to join forces with Bob McDonald is ideal because they both have leadership qualities. In 2014, the former CEO of Proctor & Gamble was ranked at number 47 as the most influential figures in health care. His leadership knowledge as gives him the power to reform the health care industry compared to the manner he reorganized P&G during the time it was criticized for the period veterans have had to postpone to receive medical care.

Another remarkable figure who can have an influential way of influencing the policy in obesity related issues include John Boehner. As speaker of the house of West Chester Republican, he has led the mainstream party’s lawmaking determinations to roll back the Affordable Care Act. This can help in revolutionizing the policy-making activities in obesity issues. Furthermore Joel Allison, the CEO of the Dallas-based Baylor Scott & White Health supervised the fusion of Health Care System of Baylor, Scott & White by coming up with Baylor Scott & White. The formed new association is the biggest public health system based in Texas.

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