
Ocean Fisheries

399 words | 2 page(s)

Fisheries Besides being a source of seafood protein, most people depend on Oceanic fishery as their only source of income and economic stability. Indeed, besides fishermen, the hotel and tourism industry depends largely on ocean fishery. However, overfishing has threatened Oceanic Fishery, and major marine species are now facing commercial extinction. Indeed, industrial fishing, if not regulated, can cause main marine species become commercially extinct. Commercially extinction means endangered species like the tuna, shark, Mekong giant catfish would be fished out to extinction through overfishing (Barkin & DeSombre, 2013). Overfishing disrupts the local ecosystem, further declining fish diversity all over the world. Despite the collapse from overfishing, the fisheries management can recover oceanic fisheries from commercial extinction through various actions. These actions include the quota regime system, marine protection and certification of sustainable.

The quota regime would be used by the fishing management to protect endangered species and coral reefs. Banning of bottom vessels would protect water corals and increase fish stocks. Vessel Detection Systems would be used to monitor and track the number of fish caught in a certain region. Identified areas where endangered species should be protected to recovery overexploited species and protect them from commercial extinction especially in the overfished regions.

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Secondly, marine protection would be applied where a specific region is identified, and industrial fishing activities banned completely to enhance recovery of endangered fish species. Extensive overfishing deprives deep waters of oxygen, and this causes a decline in main fish species like the Baltic Sea cod. However, to achieve a maximum sustainable yield, the fishery management would have to recover the ecosystem and create a favorable environment for special and unique coral to thrive again. Further, the recovery of unique sea coral would mean high survival rates of endangered species thus reducing commercial extinction.

Finally, Certification of sustainable fisheries would be used to influence the consumer demand for endangered species to sustainable fisheries. Indeed, shifting the consumer demand would mean refraining fishing of the exploited marine species and eventually recovering the endangered stock from commercial extinction (Clark, 2006). The fisheries management would incorporate private sectors like the Marine Stewardship Council and the Friend of the Sea to certify aquaculture to help fishery recover.

  • Barkin, J. S., & DeSombre, E. R. (2013). Saving global fisheries: Reducing fishing capacity to promote sustainability.
  • Clark, C. W. (2006). The worldwide crisis in fisheries: Economic models and human behavior. Cambridge [u.a.: Cambridge Univ. Press.

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