
Personal Experiences with Customer Turnoffs

401 words | 2 page(s)

My family had two experiences with Pizza restaurants within the past year and a half which impacted where we went to eat Pizza. The first was with a semi-local chain. We ordered the pizza and brought it home, only to find the crust was mouldy. We immediately called the restaurant to let them know the pizza was mouldy, to which they replied “Oh, there are bits of pepper and stuff in the crust. It’s supposed to look that way.” This was definitely mould, not peppers. We let the restaurant know this, but they refused to take any action, didn’t want to see the pizza, and told us there was nothing they could do. It was the last time we went to that chain, even though prior to this the customer service had been good.

This was a situation related to people skills. Had the person on the phone been willing to accept that we might have mouldy pizza, or even been willing to take action enough to see if the pizza actually was, we might have continued to do business with the restaurant. The fact that we were dismissed out of hand and no effort was made to recompense us for the lost money was what made us decide not to attend that restaurant in future. Also, the fact that the pizza was mouldy in the first place, was a system turnoff. Restaurants, who must meet safety and standard requirements, should be checking for that sort of thing regularly.

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The other incident we had was an international pizza chain. On that occasion, we were overcharged for our meal. We disputed the charges, but met with little success at the time. It was late evening, so we decided to take it up with the manager the next day. When we did discuss the matter with the manager the next day, she decided that not only were we over-charged, but the clerk who took our order and didn’t fix the error showed poor customer service. We received a coupon for the restaurant equal to what we had overpaid, plus an extra bonus for the inconvenience. We have since ordered from this restaurant on a regular basis and have never had another problem with them. This exemplifies how customer service should be done, and how turnoffs, even if they should happen, can be used to turn customers from indifferent to loyal.

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