
Philosophical Discussion

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Philosophical discussion considers the terms necessity and possibility as closely related terms with regards to their applications. Possible worlds semantics includes the application of the terms possibility and necessity to mean different aspects of human life. Possibility in this regard is the philosophical term that helps an individual to navigate around difficult notions. To understand the use and application of necessity and possibility, it imperative to define SOFA, which in this case, refers to the “State Of Affairs.” The state of affairs is the state of the mind when one of faced with a situation that he cannot change. The mind allegedly stops thinking of the alternatives and sticks to the matters as they are In this case, the possiblity of making any change in the mind seems bleak, thus one gets stuck in a life’s situation.

Possibility can be discussed in terms of the logical possibilities and necessity. First, logical possibility is the possible words semantics that can be used as a way of talking to think about and test things in life that might not have been the case. For instance, the questions such as what would have happened if you were not born in the US? Clearly, this question can attract a heated debate as you are already born in the US, there is no possibility of being born outside the US. The truth and the fact remains that you have been born and in the US. Philosophically thinking, would it have been possible that you were not born, was it so necessary to be born in the US. Now this leads us to the logical necessarily.

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Logical necessity in this case can be closely linked to the logical possibility in two ways. First, is it possible that in some possible world, one was not born? In this case, the possibility of being born in another world is anchored on the fact that you have been born in the current world, and therefore, it is not possible to have existed in the other world. Secondly, was it necessary to be born in the world where one was born? Yes, it was necessary to be born where you are born since the fact that you were born is a reality. It is a reality that one is born, so it is necessary that he is born a world which is distinct.

Near and far worlds refer to the words in terms of their differences and similarities. When two worlds have many similarities, philosophically, they are referred to as near worlds. On the other hand, worlds that exhibit huge differences are called world words. Near and far worlds in this case are the characteristics of the environment where people interact with one another. It is humanly possible to live far apart from one another, yet the social, political, and economic environments are similar. In this case, the key determinants of the distance between worlds are the possible life experiences and the environments.

Rigid designators is also another key aspect of philosophy that touches on how different terms and words are used in different concepts. It sets the reference to how certain words are used in different ways to enable people to think clearly and rightfully. It is imperative to note that some terms may be applicable in different contexts, depending on the intension of the speaker. For instance, using the term fruit may mean a lot of things in different words. First, it would mean a results of hard, the parts of a plant or even a person’s offspring. In this case, the rigid designators seeks to connect the terms used to their relevant contexts of usage, thus helping philosophers to apply the terms correctly for better meanings.

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