
Pottery Barn Retailer

260 words | 1 page(s)

Large retailers, like Pottery Barn have many levels to their management staff to ensure two managers are on duty at all times, days off and vacation times, and to fill in when staff is light. The stores are large and require not only floor staff to assist customers, but stock personnel to retrieve back stock merchandise. This hierarchy separates departments to ensure that all levels work together so the shelves are fully stocked, back stock is orderly, staff is properly trained, and displays adhere to corporate specifications. The general manager has the ability to delegate and depend on the rest of the management staff, giving them experience in all levels of operation.

As this organization chart shows, there are many tasks that can be delegated and assigned to other managers. At the retail level, employees can be responsible for visual displays and stocking shelving. The visual manager is there to oversee and make sure the look of the store complies with company directives. Managers can also allow seasoned employees to help with the training of new employees. Finally, managers can delegate information and up-to-date cataloging to employees.

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Non-management personnel should not be involved with the discipline of others, this is a violation of privacy. Managers should also not delegate employees any human resource tasks. Employees should not know the pay or other hiring details of other employees. Managers should not delegate employees the task of providing extensive reports to upper-level management. This would require a certain amount of private information about operations that general employees should not be privy to.

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