
Problem Solving and Conflict Management

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Jeff Bezos is not afraid of experimentation and trying new ideas within the organization; therefore, these opportunities can lead to conflicts in different ways when other leaders might not agree with the direction that some segments of the organization are headed. This reflects the importance of understanding Bezos’ desire to explore creativity and innovation rather than to remain stagnant and allow the business to become lackluster or repetitive with its business model.

These ideas require Bezos to address conflicts regularly and to discuss how new directions can affect the bottom line and overall performance. Bezos has faced some challenges with his leadership style and approach to resolving conflicts, but this requires a continuous learning curve and a means of understanding how to negotiate with others to achieve the desired results.

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Managing conflicts requires a unique skillset which is based upon different styles of leadership and the ability to negotiate with others. Therefore, a collaborative style is appropriate to ensure that communication is a two-way street and discussions can lead to resolution more effectively (DuBrin, 2016). Furthermore, negotiation may also require bargaining among different individuals and groups and supports open communication to improve problem-solving, and in this context, leaders can obtain what they need to be effective in achieving specific organizational goals and objectives (DuBrin, 2016).

Bargaining with others allows them to take some of the power within the relationship and to ensure that they might also get what they need out of the negotiation. For Jeff Bezos, negotiation and bargaining are necessary throughout Amazon to provide an opportunity for others to get what they want or need out of a business deal and to ensure that both sides are satisfied once the negotiation is complete, particularly since the organization is substantially large and has so many different segments.

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