
Pros, Cons, And Solutions Of Water Pollution

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Water pollution in our lakes, rivers, seas, and oceans is becoming more of a problem every day. The fact that there are so many forms of harmful pollutants it is hard to see an end in sight. Ranging from oil spills, to trash island the amount of pollution being put into our water supply, isn’t good for our wildlife or for us.

With so many cons to debate its’ hard to see any pros for polluting any water, especially because it is one of our most valued resources, but there are some reasons industries see as pros. Oil is a much needed commodity but unfortunately it is only found by drilling. Drilling can be harmful for the environment by causing oil spills but it is usually an effective way to get to oil reserves below the surface of the ocean, with a minimal amount of damage to the environment, it also keeps our gas prices as low as possible.

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While drilling is effective most times other times it can go drastically wrong. Everyone knows about the tragic BP oil spill that happened in 2010. And lately fracking is becoming more of a problem everywhere causing normal peoples drinking water to sometimes be tainted to the point of igniting. Oil spills are harmful to the population of sea animals which in 2010 we saw tons of aquatic animal life die all over the Gulf of Mexico. This is also just one small part of water pollution, which has a grand scale of bad sides. Another giant problem is just littering, and the mass amounts of plastic that is breaking down in salt water in the ocean. Because of giant the landfills and pieces of trash that cant be recycled they are pulled into a current in the Pacific rim and are then floating in or with trash island. This is getting so bad that people all around the world are being registered as having trace amounts of this plastic in their systems, and those trace amounts may also be connect to women getting miscarriages in a repetitive form.

In urban areas with high concentrations of people, acid rain is a huge problem that can be harmful to the water supply. It is caused from harmful gases being released in the atmosphere. When water evaporates and then creates rain, this rain is tainted with the harmful chemicals, or even the gases released from driving an automobile. When your rainwater is not even drink able a whole population of people in the urban area are left without water. Especially when you take to account those urban areas also have the highest concentrations of homeless people relying on that water to be clean and usable.

With all of these very harmful forms of water pollution it is hard to see the one you should try to fix the most. Personally I feel the easiest solution to start with is making regulations on using biodegradable material so there aren’t tiny molecules of plastic in the water we will eventually desalinize and purify to drink. Another easy solution would be to find a more sustainable form of energy that would make oil obsolete. Even if that means primarily using solar power and making it that humans use daylight strictly for time to capture and use energy. This would also decrease and eventually kill the number of emissions that factories and automobiles put off, and in return take out air pollutants that can turn into acid rain. Making are water supply in urban and rural areas less of a threat. Another problem with water pollution is how wasteful we are with it. There needs to be more research on how to direct and deal with sewage because the population is only getting bigger. And the bigger it gets the more waste humans will eventually create. Lastly recycling as many products as possible is one of the easiest steps for just the every day person to do their part to make our world a better place.

  • Fawell, John. “British Medical Bulletin.” Contaminants in drinking water. Oxford Journals, 6 June 2003. Web. 28 Apr. 2014. .

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