
QSEN Teamwork and Collaboration

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Competence is the ability, attitudes, skills and knowledge required for an individual to perform certain expected roles in professional practice. Nursing like any profession demands competence which ought to be reflected in many aspects such as safety, quality improvement, patient-centered care, teamwork and collaboration, and evidence-based practice. A competence-based approach is thus essential in various facets of nursing and healthcare (Weller, Barrow, & Gasquoine, 2011). Competence is a major element in the transition of nurses from educational level to their professional capacity. This goes with the philosophy of nursing. As a field, nursing is an enabling, caring, competence-based and knowledge-based profession which is flexible and dynamic enough to accommodate the changing health needs of the community or society. To meet these changing needs the profession deserves professional competencies through continuous nursing education.

Teamwork and collaboration happen to be one of the most pivotal competencies in the field of nursing. The QSEN definition of teamwork is “function effectively within and inter-professional teams, fostering open communication, mutual respect, and shared decision-making to achieve quality patient care” (Emard, 2013). A nurse is a key cog in any health facility care-giving team. As such, a competent nurse has the capability of enhancing a team’s effectiveness in achieving its objectives in the context of delivering care to the patients. The nurse is in a position to participate or lead in the formulation and implementation of the frameworks that sustain effective teamwork.

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It should be noted that bringing together various professionals in a healthcare setting cannot amount to successful team-work. The process is dynamic and founded on communication, trust, and mutual respect. Every member of a team must feel at ease within any outfit despite his or her qualifications, role, and experience. Trust is critical as it sums the belief in another team member’s ability and viewpoints (Weller, Barrow, & Gasquoine, 2011). Trust is cultivated through actions and words which signify good intentions and openness. Mutual respect among the inter-professional teams is critical as it precipitates a conducive working environment. With proper structuring of a team a synergy is experienced which generates positive implications for all parties involved (Weller, Barrow, & Gasquoine, 2011). Health professionals must be cognizant of their individual capabilities and practice. Moreover, they should have appreciation and mindfulness of other health professionals ability to contribute to the delivery of care in order to attain the optimal health outcomes.

According to studies, inter-professional collaboration suffices as one of the trademarks of some successful healthcare innovations. When doctors, nurses and other healthcare providers collaborate quality of care is enhanced. This is because collective skills are pooled together to deliver care to the client or patient. This would not be the case if one party were to deliver care singly to a patient (O’Leary, Sehgal, Terrell, & Williams, 2011). In virtually all healthcare settings, the nurses interact with the patients on a regular basis hence they know what may work for one patient or not work for another. Through dissemination of information to other professionals or other healthcare providers, a proper plan can be crafted for an individual patient. Additionally, delivery of care to the patients becomes more accurate and patient-centric in such a case.

Teamwork and collaboration as a competence further reduce the time spent in delivering care. With various professionals collaborating in delivering healthcare solutions are arrived at easily as compared to a scenario where one caregiver is tasked with managing a client or patient. The inefficiencies observed in healthcare such as in delay or lack of care in delivery can be contained. The inappropriate use of services and products in health facilities can also be curbed under an inter-professional collaborative effort.

Patient satisfaction has been established to improve with the team-based approach to care. This is because it improves patient experience as a patient can access services from various professionals within a team. Under team-work communication between the caregivers and patients is improved. The patient can easily voice his or her opinions on the care provided (Meterko, Mohr, & Young, 2004). He or she is privy to pertinent information regarding the type of care provided by a healthcare team. It is prudent to note that each patient has multiple needs which are addressed by different parties or medical personnel. Collaborative efforts between the said individuals or parties ensure that care is consistent and satisfying to the patient.

Team work and collaboration as a competency enhances employee motivation. Using social exchange theory, “exchange of support among employees who are collaborating to serve clients will strengthen employee motivation to provide excellent service”(Meterko, Mohr, & Young, 2004). Additionally, many caregivers would prefer being in teams due to the benefits material and immaterial that are gained. The exchange of knowledge, skills, and resources is critical in ensuring an employee feels satisfied and valuable within a work setting.

In conclusion, teamwork and collaboration are some of the dynamic competences that have enhanced delivery of healthcare in various ways. The competence was made possible after evidence-based studies indicated that traditional care delivery methods were inefficient. Historically, many hospitals have had preventable mortality and morbidity occurring due to traditional approaches. The traditional approaches were laced with deficiencies or breakdown in communication among many professionals in healthcare settings. Lack of collaboration or teamwork among professionals such as doctors and nurses in the past have led to destabilized environments where care is availed. This further may negatively affect the patient whom the care is targeted at. Thus teamwork and collaboration were born out of the need to reduce the avoidable deficiencies within the delivery of care to patients or clients.

  • Emard, E. (2013). Teamwork and Collaboration. Retrieved March 17, 2017 from National Committee for Quality Assurance website: http://www.aacn.nche.edu/qsen/workshop-details/new-orleans/EE-TWC.pdf
  • Meterko, M., Mohr, D. C., & Young, G. J. (2004). Teamwork Culture and Patient Satisfaction in Hospitals. Medical Care, 492-498. doi:10.1097/01.mlr.0000124389.58422.b2
  • O’Leary, K. J., Sehgal, N. L., Terrell, G., & Williams, M. V. (2011). Interdisciplinary teamwork in hospitals: A review and practical recommendations for improvement. Journal of Hospital Medicine, 7(1), 48-54. doi:10.1002/jhm.970
  • Weller, J. M., Barrow, M., & Gasquoine, S. (2011). Interprofessional collaboration among junior doctors and nurses in the hospital setting. Medical Education, 45(5), 478-487. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2923.2010.03919.x

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