
Quora Acceptable Use

330 words | 2 page(s)

Quora is one of the biggest question and answer sites on the internet; you can ask a question about literally anything – how to shave, how to make pancakes, what is Bitcoin – and someone who knows will answer and get rewarded. Quora, like many other internet platforms, has acceptable use and internet policies that allow it to enforce rules and define its purpose. Quora last updated its acceptable use policy in 2017, so it has been recently updated. The first paragraph tells us what Quora stands for and what it is trying to accomplish. Many refer to this as the Mission Statement, and it is a statement that tells people what the company is trying to do.

Moreover, Quora is trying to allow you to immediately read what it is about. Then after, it enforces the rules. The first, most important rule, is bolded, reading be Nice, Be Respectful. While this is a simple rule, the goal of an acceptable use internet policy is to make it simple so that it is easy to remember what is important to abide by and what is not. Then under this bolded rule it gives examples, such as no hate speech. Then after this section is done, another bolded rule is stated and then the same process with the italics for examples. This easy outline is by design, as Quora wants to make sure that their acceptable use policy is easy to read. It is also easy to scroll down the webpage and scan through, rather than clicking onto another page and waiting for it to load.

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This can be frustrating for impatient people, and Quora does a good job of eliminating the risk of people not reading its acceptable use policy after the first page. Moreover, the aspect that is difficult to enforce here is dealing with hate speech, as stated above. What is hate speech? Everyone has a different definition nowadays and this can be rather subjective.

  • “Acceptable.” (2017). Acceptable Use Policy. Quora.

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