
Racial Profiling Argumentative Essay Outline

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Racial profiling by public institutions has been attracting a lot of attention especially when innocent people are subject to unfair treatment based on their race. In the US, the law enforcement agencies are usually accused of discriminating against people of color. One of the most common accusation is the use of traffic police stops to harass people of color by associating them with drug trafficking and crime (Simmons, 2011). Most of the minority racial groups in the US feel unfairly targeted by the police on crime related issues. Apart from the law enforcement system, research has associated media with the development of racial stereotypes that forms the basis for racial profiling in society (Tukachinsky, Mastro & Yarchi, 2015). The media is accused of portraying some racial groups in a bad light by over representing members of these racial groups in criminal activities. The representation creates a view that certain racial groups are more likely to commit crime and this informs the nature of interracial dynamics. There are statistics showing that the law enforcement system and the media in the US are unfair towards minority racial groups and contribute to the existence of racial profiling (Gill, 2014).

The operations of key public institutions create the basis for racial profiling.

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Criminal justice
Racial profiling in the criminal justice system: Society entrusts public institutions to conduct their roles with fairness and justice for all. However, racial profiling occupies a unique place on the perception of the justice system by minority groups. The allegation of racial profiling in police agencies is a major issue because of difficulties in addressing police accountability (Simmons, 2011). Police have the power of discretion which they use to make personal judgments in the course of law enforcement activities. Racial profiling questions the use of discretion power as the police are perceived as more interested in pursuing members of minority racial groups in the course of law enforcement. The law enforcement system is a public institution that should be positively viewed by all racial groups through fairness.

Statistics on unfair representation of certain racial groups in the criminal justice system: There are statistics showing members of the minority racial groups are unfairly represented in various stages of the criminal justice system (Gill, 2014).

The role of media in promoting negative racial stereotypes
Media is one of the major sources of information to public and can inform a wide range of conclusions based on the information delivered to society. Research has shown that the media in the US is important in the development of racial profiles because of the nature of its content. According to Tukachinsky, Mastro & Yarchi (2015), the media plays a role in racial profiling by conforming existing racial prejudices about people of color and this leads to negative perception of minority racial groups by the Whites. A large number of people rely on information from the media; making it an important source of influence in interracial dynamics.

Addressing racial profiling
Use of media to eliminate negative racial stereotypes: The media can play a major role in changing the current racial dynamics through the content delivered to public. Media should avoid unfair representation of certain racial groups in both positive and negative issues which affect the society.
Use of clear standards in the criminal justice system: The power of police discretion should be regulated to ensure it is not used to unfairly target certain racial groups. Racial stereotypes should not inform the conduct of police in the course of law enforcement (Gill, 2014).

The law enforcement system and the media are major institutions associated with racial profiling in the American society. The institutions can play a role in addressing the problem by influencing interracial dynamics.

  • Gill, J. (2014). Permissibility of colour and racial profiling. Western Journal of Legal Studies, 5(3), 1-17.
  • Simmons, K. (2011). Beginning to End Racial Profiling: Definitive Solutions to an Elusive Problem. Washington and Lee Journal of Civil Rights and Social Justice, 18(1), 25-54.
  • Tukachinsky, R., Mastro, D. & Yarchi, M. (2015). Documenting portrayals of race/ethnicity on primetime television over a 20-year span and their association with national-level racial/ethnic attitudes. Journal of Social Issues, 71(1), 17-38.

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