
Renaissance Architecture, Education, and Charity

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Renaissance Architecture
This period marked the beginning of the classical era in arts. To an extent, it was the rebirth of the Classical culture that replaced the Gothic style in architecture that was common for the medieval epoch. It originates from Florence during the early 15th century. From there, it spread to other European countries. Architecture during this period can be characterized by some common features. All of them refer back to the Ancient Roman forms, which explains why Renaissance is the rebirth of Classical culture. Returning to the specific features of the architecture of this period, the first one is the prevalence of order in all elements of decor. Symmetry, geometry, and proportion were favored. It resulted in no mess in objects of architecture, as the style in general was less complex compared to the gothic style prevailing before. Also, there was a set of different objects of architecture built during this period. Specifically, in addition to the religious art that was the common form of demanded art, secular structures were as well designed by Renaissance architects. These included temples, bridges, piazzas, libraries, and other objects of architecture in addition to the traditionally demanded churches, chapels, tombs, and other religious objects. Some examples of Renaissance architecture include the Villa Capra by Vignola, Palazzo Rucellai by Alberti, the Church of San Lorenzo by Brunelleschi, and numerous others.

Education During Renaissance
During the era of Renaissance, education in general was greatly influenced by the ideas of humanism. The main stress was laid on creating the society in which all of its members would be able to write and speak equally well so that they could easily participate in civic relationships. It may be explained by developing the approach to education based on the Biblical values that were common for the Renaissance societies. This approach emerged in response to the previously dominating utilitarian approach characterized by the focus on scientific studies and favoring professional skills. Besides, it was based on seeking equal educational opportunities for both men and women instead of the focus on men’s education only like it used to be before. By the middle of the 15th century, almost all representatives of the upper class received the humanistic education. What is special about this period is that state and church leaders who were humanists made significant effort to amass libraries, thus collecting knowledge and providing people with the access to it, though it was limited. Besides, another specific feature of the education during this period is that it was common for all countries. Particularly, the educational programs were the same across states. For instance, Latin and Greek grammar and vocabulary were taught and the same books were read. It means that a well-educated person would be perceived as educated well in all countries they visit. Still, just like before, girls were more limited in the access to school education compared to boys. Also, school education was expensive, and there was no system of public schools.

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Charity During Renaissance
Charity was necessary during the Renaissance era due to the widespread poverty and famine. For the most part, charity was given to those in need. For instance, money and food were given to the poor in the streets. Charity was voluntary, and it was one of the ways to somehow support the poor because the states had not developed relevant legislation needed to cope with these urges. The concept of charity was understood from the Biblical perspective, and the act of giving was believed to be the manifestation of the love to God. It was explained by the belief that Christ as well helped the needy so that charity could bring people closer to God. Therefore, it was based on Christian values, and building it deep into the social subconsciousness was possible due to the important role religion played in everyday life of ordinary people.

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