
Restaurants Classification

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Restaurants are classified by many different characteristics such as style of food, price and atmosphere. Restaurants are found in every city and area of the world and offer all types and quality of food, from “fine dining” to “fast food.” Regarding style of food, many restaurants serve food that is casual and convenient, while other menus are chef-inspired and considered high cuisine. In addition, there are restaurants organized by ethnicity or culture, such as Italian food, Japanese food, or even Southern style American food.

According to the food they serve, the prices in restaurants can vary greatly. Another factor in price depends upon whether someone wants to celebrate a special occasion or simply go out to eat. For instance, an anniversary or birthday may be cause to splurge on a new designer restaurant that only takes reservations, thus one must plan the occasion in advance. The type of cuisine that a particular restaurant offers brings in a certain clientele as well. Different types of clientele look for different types of atmospheres or ambience that certain restaurants feature. Fine dining restaurants construct elaborate, chic interiors that create unique environments that make the usually exorbitant menu prices worth the experience.

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Conversely, casual dining atmospheres reflect comfort and cleanliness, but are not selling points for the restaurant. Although specialty, destination restaurants are popular in the United States, the majority of eating establishments are in the mid-range for price, food style and atmosphere. Lastly, most cities in the world are known by the quality of restaurants they feature which obviously cater to diverse groups of people, types of food offered and prices.

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