
Rewarding and Boring Job

606 words | 3 page(s)

When I think about boring, repetitive, and unchallenging jobs, I think of my work experience as a waiter in a Chinese restaurant. First of all, the job was hard yet the pay would sometimes fall even the legal minimum wage level. In other words, I was not being paid in a fair manner which made it difficult to motivate myself to work harder. The job was also stressful because I dealt with a great number of customers some of whom were quite inconsiderate. This particularly happened during rush hours and instead of blaming the management who would not hire more waiters, they would sometimes complain to my manager that I am lazy. When one works hard, he expects to be appreciated at the very minimum but blame combined with work pressure only adds to work-related stress.

The job was also unchallenging because it didn’t enable me to realize my true potential. I like jobs that take advantage of my intellectual capabilities. I believed I could do better such as taking care of management and operations task at the restaurant and even asked the manager for more challenging responsibilities but he dismissed me due to my young age. The job was also boring because I did the same thing again and again. There was no variety in my work and at times it would feel like I am no different from a machine that does the same thing again and again without any complaint. Another problem with the job was that only manager didn’t appreciate the hard work I would put into my work but he would also not pay me on time. It was not unusual for me to be paid a week or two weeks later than the due date.

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My future goal is to become a police officer and I believe it would be the most rewarding and fulfilling job I will ever have. First of all, I will be making a positive difference in the society which will bring personal satisfaction to me. I have always wanted to make this world a better place to live and, thus, the idea of making society more peaceful will be quite inspiring. In addition, I also plan to focus on community education which involves going to schools, especially those in low-income areas, and persuade kids to focus on school and stay away from trouble. I will also be able to use my personal life story to inspire them that one can achieve his dreams through hard work no matter how difficult the path may be.

I will also enjoy the job because it will allow me to utilize my creative potential such as in case investigations. My job will have some repetitive elements but at the same time I will also have variety depending upon the cases I am working on. In addition, I will also have the incentive to work harder because I will know that hard work may lead to promotions and even more exciting career opportunities.

I will also enjoy this job because it will involve applying the lessons I have learnt as a college student. Thus, it will be much better match to my skills and strengths than a job like a restaurant waiter could be. In addition, the pay will also allow me to live more respectable life. In addition, police officers enjoy prestige in the society which helps boost their morale, unlike restaurant waiters who are looked down by some. I may also enjoy the job because it will force me to take better care of my physical and mental wellbeing due to the requirements of the job.

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