
Science And Pseudoscience

369 words | 2 page(s)

The concepts of science and pseudoscience can be distinguished from one another in a manner of ways. Science is a compilation of information acquired through observation and rational thought, and turns on the notion that the world works in a certain way. Those notions can be tested and proven or disproven through hypotheses and experiments. Scientific theories tend to be accurate and verifiable.

Conversely, pseudoscience or false science, really isn’t science at all, but instead a series of thoughts on a certain topic that cannot necessarily be tested through experimentation or proven or disproven by empirical evidence. This could include theories parading as non-scientific or irrational explanations about things that might appeal to our imagination, or are perhaps fun to think about.

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Climate change is a scientific theory, not pseudoscience. Scientific opinion regarding climate change supports the notion that the climate here on Earth is warming, without question. And, hence the concept also known as “global warming.” The science of climate change also tells us that there is an extremely high probability that this warming trend is due to human activities. As opposed to pseudoscience which might just tell the tale and not back it up with any support, human activity has been inextricably linked to the increase in the concentration of “greenhouse” gases, such as those that might originate from burning fossil fuels, increased use of aerosol products and/or deforestation.

The theory of climate change has been supported by scientists, educational institutions and testing facilities dedicated to backing this scientific opinion. This is not a new theory, as scientists have been documenting the warming trend for more than 50 years. These warming trends are occurring globally and here in the United States. Evidence of changing weather patterns, rising sea levels, and the reduction in glaciers, sea ice, and frozen lakes, comports with the fact that temperatures have most recently risen faster during winter than ever.

Scientists predict that this long term trend will continue to threaten our weather patterns as we once understood them. The data collected year in and year out supports such a notion, and it is quite certain that climate change or global warming is grounded in scientific fact, as opposed to pseudoscience conjecture.

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