
Sexuality and Aging

465 words | 2 page(s)

The readings presented information about the issues facing older adults in relationship to their sexual activities at the later stages of their lives. While the data presented indicated that a large percentage of both men and women remain sexually active in some capacity into their seventies, they are a number of issues that may interfere with either their performance or their fulfillment.

The articles challenge assumptions about the types of issues that may be presented by older adults in therapy. Concerns about the effects of some kinds of medication on sexual performance among younger individuals is frequently dealt with in conversations about those medications as a matter of course. This is far less frequent when patients are aging. They may be taking a number of medications that produce erectile dysfunction or lack of interest in sexual activity. Issues related to sexual activity or other issues related to such relationships may not be considered as important issues to consider in discussions with this population.

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These articles bring to mind other discussions concerning quality of life as individuals age. The physical changes that occur as the body deteriorates in older years can create a world view that is limited to controlling and managing health. While length of life is important, considerations about the enjoyment of life, enrichment in life, and finding value and purpose in life become important. Quality of life studies have tended to focus on younger individuals, specifically those that have a disability or illness that limits function in some area. Recent estimates indicate that increasing numbers of individuals will live into their late eighties and beyond. Many of these individuals will find it necessary and desirable to continue to work into their seventies. Improved medical care and treatments for many conditions that have been disabling in the past make it possible for aging individuals to remain active and valuable participants in the lives of their communities. There are implications in these studies to theories that explore human development. Perhaps sociologists will discover that the “generativity”stage of human development needs to be extended in the same way that “adolescence” has been. Psychologists need to be aware that the life issues of many clients in their sixties and seventies may not be as different from those of younger clients than may have been previously thought. Relationship issues in aging adults may continue to include concerns about sexual attractiveness and intimacy throughout life.

  • Jennifer Hillman (2008).,Sexual Issues and Aging Within the Context of Work With Older Adult Patients, Professional Psychology: Research and Practice Vol. 39, No. 3, 290 –297
  • Schick, V., Herbenick, D.,Reece, M., Sander, S, Dodge, B., Middlestadt, S.E., and Fortenberry, J.D. (2010). Sexual Behaviors, Condom Use, and Sexual Health of Americans Over 50: Implications for Sexual Health Promotion for Older Adults, Journal of Sexual Medicine, 7(suppl 5):315–329

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