
Should Teachers Have Gun at School?

628 words | 3 page(s)

The issue of gun possession is one of the most sensitive in the US society. Due to an outcry of the incidents in the US schools, the concerns about the gun ownership by teachers became on the rise. The US Constitution every US citizen upon the completed background checks to own a gun. At the same time, there is no guarantee that the gun ownership would result in the violation of the fundamental human right – specifically, the right to life. As teachers are involved in the particularly sensitive environment with kids, they should not be allowed to possess the gun. The potentially arising differences of the psychological and mental conditions the teacher’s profession should not let them own a gun, even for protective reasons.

In the Vox.com, German Lopez demonstrates some persuasive arguments for preventing teachers from being armed. He refers to the fundamental issue of the massive gun possession in the United States. The historical reasons largely contributed to the current shape of the legal grounds that enable the gun ownership to any citizens, including those who committed crimes. The history of the gun ownership comprises one of the primary reasons why the gun ownership became prevailing. Throughout history, guns would help people to survive in the difficult circumstances and facilitate facing challenges. However, until these days, the United States had an adjusted legislative basis for the adoption of the gun control laws that were not strict enough which led to the increased amount of gun violence crimes committed in the country. Therefore, without finding a viable solution to this fundamental issue, there is no viable reason for arming teachers.

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The discussion on arming teachers has reached the official discussions. In those discussions, the arguments do not favor the teachers either. The trends also indicate some school districts in Idaho started limiting the gun possession by teachers, too. ‘a gun is only as good as the person who holds it. Those who use them need to know more than how to pull the trigger.’ (Idaho State Journal Staff, 2017). The nature of the right for self-protection is relevant until now, too. The gun ownership serves as a tool for many families in the United States. Historically, they were used for holding guns to undertake protective measures. Besides that, one must understand that the correlation between the gun ownership and the number of homicides is not necessary interlinked between one another. If the gun ownership is managed effectively, there will be little threat of shootings. The historical roots of the gun ownership demonstrated multiple benefits to the population of the country, which makes it questionable whether this right should be taken from the citizens away. At the same time, allowing teachers to possess guns without imposing any strict measures would not bring any outcomes for protecting students.

With all the arguments listed above, teachers should not be allowed to carry a gun in the high school premises. Rather than allowing professionals are directly working with kids to be recognized for such activities, the education system should strengthen security measures in the high school settings. Additionally, without increasing gun control regulations on the national level, there will be a limited room for allowing teachers to defend themselves with the tool of gun possession. I believe that in the light of the massive fires, proponents of stricter legislation will have a significantly higher chance to push their agenda on the legislative level. Given the fact that the United States is a democratic country, there is a strong need to listen to the positions of all people, even if their opinions would be different.

  • Lopez, German. “The Case Against Arming Teachers.” Vox. N.p., 2018. Web. 2 Aug. 2018.
  • Officials discuss pros and cons of arming school teachers., 2018. Web. 2 Aug. 2018.

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