
Sports Drink Campaign

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Product Brief
The choice of drink is a Sports Energy drink and it can be described as a brand that holds two personalities; once is a serious athlete who can excel in divergent challenges. The other can be described as a fun-loving, humorous personality as showcased by the sporting. This marketing strategy seeks to highlight the sports drink as a must have an energy drink that can be used in sporting and gaming environments. The audience targeted are sports fanatics where the drink sorts of associates itself with the sporting events and the need for energy when doing these sports/exercises. Evidently, given that sporting events are associated with fun and exercise-related activities, the energy drink associates itself with the actual activities being undertaken. Arguably, the inclusion of such a promotion would be an effective platform to introduce the product to the potential consumers.

The message that is intended for the targeted consumers is that the drink will offer energy when doing strenuous exercise given the ingredients contained in the drink. Contrariwise, it is associated with the fun side of the sporting events. In order to actively target and reach out to these audiences, it is imperative to use an integrated marketing approach where a sporting event can be used in addition to a preferred new media approach. Evidently, social media, notably Instagram, Facebook and Twitter will be the primary source of advertising for the sporting event which will attract the targeted consumer in the market. Secondly, the extreme sporting events will be described by numerous banners and sporting gear which will engage the energy drink’s mantra-“All work and No Play”. Having an onsite experience as a marketing strategy for this product would be instrumental in all possible ways given that it is a sporting event that is described by the inclusion of strenuous exercise.

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The Audience and Marketing Strategy
The character of the Sports drink is ruggedness as the product seeks to present an athletic and adventurous appeal to the drink. The brand seeks to advertise a product that revitalizes the user. The Sports drink will target emulators based on the appeal of the products. Furthermore, the brand will use sporting events to promote the sports drink so that the emulator audience can be strongly attracted. The audience currently believes that there is no big difference among non alcoholic beverages and a new product will simply go into the list. The audience needs to believe that the Sports drink will leave them revitalized during extreme activities particularly sports. The emulator audience should buy the product as it meets the needs on nutrition, energy and is exceptional in taste.

The main message that the product will focus is the taste and the effectiveness of the product in times of energy associated activities within a short time. Social media, promotions and viral marketing will be used as it best meets the profile of the audience which is stimulated by trendy products. The touch points used will be social media as most of the audience is engaged in the platform. The kind of packaging used will also appeal to the audience to attract them easily.

Competitors Campaign
The following are some of the items I will integrate into the sporting drink campaign in order to make it stand out from other competitors

• I will invest more in the ‘personality’ of sports drink and attempt in making sure that while communicating with the [potential customers, I speak to them as friends and not as people who am only interested in making a profit out of them
• The campaign will target consumers who understand the brand, mostly athletes, this means most of the campaigns will be in places like training grounds, gymnasium and running tracks
• The campaign will highlight the advantages of using sporting drink as consistence as possible. This will be achieved by clearly defining the brand’s standards and ensuring that the team members working in the campaign are well skilled marketers.
• The product will be made as visible as possible, this will be achieved by designing excellent adverts, banners, branded trucks and branded gear about the brand and ensuring that the posters are placed in any platform available for brands advertisement.

Effective Strategy: Audience Engagement
An engagement strategy would be instrumental in that sporting drinks are associated with extreme exercises witnessed across divergent platforms. The consumers will be able to experience the products first hand and can be able to experience the product on a whole new level during the actual sporting exercise. The first-hand experience not only introduces the consumers to the product but it also associates itself with the consumers. The drink will enable the event participators to have increased adrenaline and vigour that are required when doing these exercises. With respect to its mantra, it is able to associate with the fun activities within the event namely, off 4 by 4 road challenge, extreme biking and extreme racing, to name a few

The engagement of the product through the extreme sporting event would most likely feature in social media updates with photos and videos shared across the new media platforms, i.e, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitters. Through social media posting and direct engagement with the product, the consumers will enable an increased viral marketing where a significant portion of social media users will be talking about the sporting drink. Through this approach a lot more users on online platforms will be curious about the brand and would want to be associated with it; an important marketing strategy. The eventual campaign direction will be geared through the social media and inclusion of more extreme sporting events that can attract a large number of audiences, whether online or through the events. It is anticipated that more consumers can be reached out within a short time, where the event will facilitate the inception of a new sporting culture of fun extreme sporting.

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