
Sports Ontology

885 words | 3 page(s)

Ontology has been described as the study of the nature of being (Lawson, pg. 1). Sports ontology can, therefore, be seen as the study of the nature of sports activities as they are or as they ought to be or will be. It is as a modality of recording, studying and publishing data concerning competitive sports events. The term was first used by BBC for a distinct case as per the Olympic tournament structure on the basic level (Morgan, 25). However, it has grown to be used for more sporting events. Through sports ontology, sports data can be outlined with semantics in aspects such as: “The structure of a sport competition as a sequence of events, the internal competition of a tournament, the rules of a tournament, the connection of a prize with a tournament and how to achieve it” (Barbucha & Howlett, 366). Sports ontology is, therefore, a modality of recording, studying and publishing data with respect to sporting events and activities in the modern age.

Ever since I was little, basketball was a very significant part of who I was. It was not just a sport I enjoyed playing, it was a huge part of who I was and by extension whom I have become now. Through the game, I learned endurance, perseverance and discipline. One of the critical concepts of ontology is that an individual must exist as a unit (Lawson, 1). In this context, by virtue of the sporting activity that an individual actively participates in the individual’s physical strength as well as cognitive performance will be subject to alterations. This is especially so if the subject matter sporting activity is the main ingredient that is relied upon to shape the person’s character. For my case, my position on the pitch as a center player meant that I had to be very sharp and alert since a higher percentage of successful shots for my team was dependent on me. I also had to do several drills and exercises so as to constantly improve on my rebounding skills. If I did not focus on being alert and constantly improving, my team would definitely loose and I would have to forfeit my position.

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As aforementioned, oncology is about the study of “what it is to be or to exist” (Lawson, 1). In the course of our existence, we often find that we purpose to link ourselves up with matters that tend to define us as a people. In the area where I lived as I was growing up, basketball defined us as young people. It is through this sporting activity that I got to grow my network of friends as well as build my personal character through establishing a daily routine and purposing to achieve the personal goals I had set for myself as well as the team goals. Indeed, people tend to identify their ‘self-being’ with their talents and skills. These factors shape our choices and perceptions on a daily basis. Because of our devotion to sports in its entirety, we consciously or sub-consciously make decisions that tend to blend with our past with sports. It is, therefore, true that our present being is predicated on our past experiences.

In any sporting activity, grace is a very explicit component. Grace primarily concerns the recognition of sports as an art. It is the recognition of the fact that sport is not just about the movement of the body in different ways (Morgan, 34). It is about the application of creativity, skills and the like to achieve a specified desired outcome. It is for this reason that almost every sporting activity has rules. If sports were a mere movement of the body, then there would be no rules. Grace is exhibited differently in different sporting activities. In basketball, for instance, grace is exhibited when there are seamless passes and accurate shots. The concept of ‘grace’ is seen differently in different sporting activities. Playing basketball gracefully, for instance, encompasses making seamless passes and very accurate shots. The concept is in fact very significant in every sporting activity. It is however understood differently depending on the different ontological alignments of individuals based on their experiences.

One vice seems to have inflicted the sporting industry in this age is the use of sport enhancement drugs. Professional sportsmen and women who are partakers in this are labeled cheaters. Many have even had their titles and awards recalled. Because of this vice, one of the standard procedures that must be complied with before an individual participates in an international or even a regional tournament is the testing for sport enhancement drugs. Therefore because of this established tradition, the use of those drugs is seen as cheating. Individuals will, therefore, make appropriate decisions in this regard based on their perception of self-identity and underlying ontological perspectives.

Essentially through ontology; individuals possess varied values and this leads to varied perceptions about matters like self-identification and virtues. The past experiences of the subject matter individual play a critical role in this regard. Therefore, the study of what exists now and will exist in the foreseeable future makes us understand that we have the power to choose our identity through sport. The study of ontology helps us understand how the inherent diversity we observe on a daily basis is as a result of the differences in past experiences.

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