
Statement Of Requesting For Civil Harassment Restraining Order

238 words | 1 page(s)

I have been harassed by my former male co-worker for 3 years.

For a number of instances, he followed me home. One night, he speeded from a small alley when I was walking on the street and tried to hit me. He also chased me at high speed on freeway, and nearly killed me on one of the encounters.

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He yelled at me angrily and held his fist when I talked about other males. It felt like he was going to punch me. Further, he took a photo of me without my permission and obtained my email without notifying me.

One day, he made a photo from interior of my car. After that, my neighbor reported to the police seeing him for many times to have parked near my home and using monocular to surveil me.

It is a short list of all physical and threatening acts I am able to recall in the course of our relationship so far. I will additionally provide the dates, if necessary.

Eventually, I have got a sense of paranoia fearing to leaving my home 5pm. My condition is accompanies with nightmares and perpetual fear for my life.

I need this injunction because I fear for my safety. I am afraid he will follow through with his threats. Herein, I am attaching the supportive documents to support my statement. I have enclosed the copies of emails, photographs, OCD evidence, and previous police reports.

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