
Tepper MBA Program

302 words | 2 page(s)

Being a part of the Tepper MBA program is not only a great challenge, but a great responsibility. A student of Tepper will learn considerably from his instructors and his peers, and is given several gifts. He is given the gift of education and knowledge. As an alumnus, I can give those gifts back to my fellow peers and the students who come after me.

I have developed expertise in business technologies and mathematics in order to solve a number of problems and I am great at working with teams to designed, develop, and complete projects. I hope that I would be able to share my expertise with other students, to mentor them, so that they can develop their skills and become proud graduates of Tepper’s MBA program, and successful in the business world as well.

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One of my goals is to own my own business. I hope that some day, my business would be so successful that I would be able to offer a Tepper graduate a job, which is another way that I could give back to the program. And if my ventures become successful, I would even be willing to come back to Tepper and talk about my work with a group of students. I would be able to share my experience at Tepper with them, and hopefully, my success would be able to inspire them to do well with the program.

Another benefit I have learned is networking. I am a United States citizen, and I have connections both in New York and on the east coast of China. I would be able to use my network to help my fellow alumni, both with employment and business opportunities. I would be proud to be able to contribute to another fellow student’s success, any way I can.

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