
Seattle University Personal Statement

593 words | 2 page(s)

One cannot overestimate the importance of education and it is even truer today as countries are transforming themselves to become knowledge economies. When I decided to move from my Indonesia to U.S. for college education, I aimed for a major cosmopolitan city. Seattle emerged as a clear choice because not only the city is politically, economically, and culturally highly relevant but also has highly education population. Now that my community college career is coming to end at North Seattle College, I plan to transfer to Seattle University (SU) because it is almost everything I look for in an ideal institution of higher learning.

SU’s Albers School of Business and Economics has a reputation for having one of the best business faculties in the nation. I have spoken to SU’s current business students and they have nothing but high praise for the instructors they have taken classes with. Market is often a good judge of the quality of education students receive at a particular institution. The fact that top recruiters at both local and multinational companies actively seek SU’s students only affirms SU’s deep commitment to producing business leaders of tomorrow.

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Education at SU will be an opportunity of lifetime for me, thus, I have already prepared a detailed plan to ensure I take maximum advantage of all the learning opportunities that will be available to me. I have a long history of serving with Rajawali, an Indonesian non-profit organization, and I plan to advance my co-curricular credentials through engagement with Indonesia Student Association of Seattle University. In addition, I am, particularly, interested in joining Albers Investment Club to improve my learning and develop my professional network, especially in the marketing field.

There are other universities as well that offer top-quality education but SU holds particular appeal for me because it doesn’t merely prepare you for the job market but also helps you develop your character and become productive member of the society. There is a reason students at SU are required to take service-learning course. The importance of university’s commitment to community service cannot be overstated because societies progress when those with knowledge and financial resources take interest in helping less privileged members of the society. SU understands many of its graduates will lead big and small corporations in the future and, thus, can help their companies become more responsible corporate citizens. Businesses are part of their respective communities and have an obligation to contribute towards advancing the overall interests of the communities. In addition, SU’s commitment to sustainable environment demonstrates the university’s deep commitment to being a responsible social citizen and I hope the lessons learnt at SU will continue to guide me for the rest of my life.

I plan to take advantage of SU’s unrivaled corporate network to seek internship experiences so that I have an edge in the job market upon graduation. SU’s strategic location in Seattle is a huge asset to business school students seeking working experience to enhance their classroom learning. In addition, SU’s diversity coupled with city’s diversity will enable me to further strengthen my cross-cultural skills and expand my global perspective.

I also hope to be an exemplary member of the society upon graduation, just as other SU’s graduates have been positively transforming their respective communities. I am so confident of a great and productive time at SU that I expect to return to the university for my MBA once I have gained some work experience after completing my undergraduate degree.

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