
Oregon State University Insight Resume

622 words | 3 page(s)

Currently, I am the president of Indonesian Student Organization in Seattle. In high school, I served the posts of head of event organizer, vice-president, and president in respective years. I was also the soccer team captain where I motivated the team to win the Sekolah Pelita Harapan Cup in 2012. Holding that position, I helped younger players develop their talents in soccer through voluntary training programs. I worked as a volunteer for Indonesia Open BWF World Series Premier from 2011-2014. I was also the producer and director of a drama group that had 70 crews and an audience of 600 and a musical group that had 150 crews and an audience of about 1000.

I possess leadership qualities and I like to work for non-profit organization. This is developed by joining many organizations where I work at low level first, and through hard work, my efforts are easily noticed hence the promotion as a leader. I am good at playing badminton as I represented Djarum Badminton Club during my time in primary and secondary school. My father, Hadibowo Sutanto was a professional badminton player. I am good in soccer as well. I joined Liverpool football academy in Indonesia for a period of one year. In high school, I made an art exhibition as part of IB program.

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Passing of my father while I was still in high school and at the age of 17 years was one of the greatest challenges I have faced. For this reason, I am determined to work extra harder to fulfill my dreams and make my mother proud. During that time, I joined hands with my brother whom I sailed in the same boat with and remained strong. He encouraged me to be always positive in life and working hard so that we can make our mother proud. I came to realize that I had the potential of overcoming disappointing moments and doing even better in life and becoming more successful.

I worked as a volunteer in “Sahabat Anak” organization in Indonesia where we took care of the less fortunate children. We taught them how to read and write and engaged them in games like playing soccer so that they could also feel loved. This is important because they are the future leaders, and Indonesia could greatly improve if it made sure that all children are in school. I was also a volunteer usher in the Catholic Church where I also took part in cleaning the church. My main mission, when I joined the PERMIAS, was to connect all Indonesian students in Seattle so that they keep in touch.

I have witnessed discrimination when it came to serving students by the PERMIAS. I have to note that some leaders below my rank are discriminative when it comes to serving student who are not of Indonesian origin. We have decided to suspend such leaders from the office because our main aim is to help everyone regardless of their origin. This is crucial because for an organization to go forward, we must work together so that everybody can benefit. Since it is a non-profit organization, we strive to be discrimination-free and help everyone who is involved.

My goal in life is to be a successful businessman and own a company someday. I want to achieve this by visiting the US and join an organization so as to get more experience in leadership. I will also improve on connections by meeting new friends who can help me with important links. Since I am weak academically, I have to work hard in the field in the organization that I will join. While I am the president in Seattle, I serve the people who have voted me with professionalism and respect considering those who did not vote me.

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