
The Benghazi Attack

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Examine the Purpose of the Treaty
Diplomatic relations among nations are developed by the use of sustainable policies that outline action steps to address specific scenarios. The Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents is an example of a convention developed in response to cases of crimes against diplomatic representatives. Particularly, a rising trend in the murders and kidnappings of diplomatic agents necessitated the formulation of the treaty to maintain harmony among nations by the introduction of specified responses to the mentioned crimes. The treaty provides a clear framework for law enforcement coordination strategies across states to ensure that internationally protected individuals receive comprehensive security, and should the specified crimes occur in a territory, the local jurisdiction will ensure that the suspects are available for prosecution.

Describe the Attack on the U.S. Diplomatic Facilities
A strategic mission for the United States, located in Benghazi, Libya, was attacked on September 11, 2012, by individuals that were previously thought to be part of a mob response to an anti-Islamic video that had been posted within the United States. The incident resulted in the death of United States diplomats: Christopher Stevens, an Ambassador and three other state representatives (CNN, 2017). The assault was initiated as approximately 9:42 pm and 88 minutes later, a surveillance drone was directed to the scene.

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By 11:30 pm, all survivors had been evacuated from the scene; however, the attackers coordinated another attack on another US mission within Benghazi, killing two security personnel (CNN, 2017). The incident occurred on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and had initially been assumed to be a response to the video Innocence of Muslims: however, despite the speculation of a crowd at the U.S mission, intelligence reports later confirmed that the attacks were aimed at US diplomats.

Assessment of the Responses Made by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Other Participating Nations
The Sixth Committee delegates expressed the need for States to meet their legal responsibilities of providing comprehensive security to diplomatic personnel in their homeland. Libya’s representatives expressed that the attackers would be apprehended and dealt with; however, the incident indicates the potential consequences when intelligence is not shared by States, or the shortcomings of systematic breakdowns (Burns, 2012).

An independent assessment of the response to the threat highlighted several leadership gaps that had resulted in diplomatic casualties. For instance, an overreliance on local militias exposed the US mission which was not heavily protected. Moreover, the leaders at the location had been advised by members of U.S. Embassy in Tripoli to reinforce the security protocol, but major changes had not been implemented before the attacks. While the military responded effectively to contain the threat and evacuate the U.S diplomats in the region, measures had to be developed to address systematic inefficiencies that affected coordination strategies with allies to ensure the safety of internationally protected diplomats and facilitate the prosecution of the attackers.

Shortcomings of the International Treaty
The intelligence community recognized the failures of the treaty, particularly, due to political instability in host nations. While The Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents clearly indicates the responsibilities of states, factors affecting the reliability of the States’ functions were not fully explored. For instance, in the Benghazi attacks context, the Libyan government struggled to sustain stability after a revolution initiated the transition from the former government.

Actions Taken by U.S Federal to Protect U.S Diplomat After the Benghazi Attack
The findings of the Accountability Review Board provided insight into the systematic challenges that compromised the security for diplomats and several recommendations were made to improve the accuracy of intelligence gathering and effectiveness of coordination strategies. Notably, emergency response teams were reinforced by additional security measures. Moreover, investments were added to diplomatic campaigns aimed at addressing the threat posed by extremist groups in North Africa, to target locations that harbored terrorist networks (Burns, 2012).

  • Burns, J., W. (2012). Benghazi: The attack and lessons learned. U.S Department of State. Retrieved from https://2009-2017.state.gov/s/d/former/burns/remarks/2012/202309.htm
  • CNN. (2017). Benghazi mission attack fast facts. CNN. Retrieved from https://edition.cnn.com/2013/09/10/world/benghazi-consulate-attack-fast-facts/index.html

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