
The Internet and Online Marketing

313 words | 2 page(s)

Online marketing, or internet marketing, is the process by which products and services are promoted via the World Wide Web (Youtube, 2013). There are two primary methods of online marketing that are used online, search engine optimization and pay per click advertising (Youtube, 2013).

Search engine optimization is a process that uses meta tags and keywords to be able to work to maximize the amount of traffic that is received by a particular site, thereby ensuring that the site itself remains as close to the top of the search engine results as possible, working to increase the amount of business that is received by the site itself.

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Pay Per Click advertising, on the other hand, is the process by which an advertisement for a product or service is placed on another site, linking back to the site selling the product or service, and the amount of times that the advertisement is clicked determines the amount of money that will be paid to the site hosting the advertisement itself for its advertising services. There are many variants of this, including Google Adwords and Facebook advertisements.

Through an understanding of what online marketing is, how it works, and the best way to combine pay per click advertising with search engine optimization, it is possible for a business to be able to leverage the internet to the best of their ability, having the basic structure of traffic flow work for them; if a person is unfamiliar with either, they will be unable to use online marketing in an effective manner; while some sites based on their brand name or their reputation, or because they carry something that no one else does, will continue to retain traffic and sales without the benefit of online marketing, most sites are not as lucky, and require a clear understanding of online marketing in order to be able to assist them in flourishing.

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