
The King of the Ponzi Schemes

609 words | 3 page(s)

The Bernie Madoff scandal was discovered in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. Madoff was an an investor with an immaculate reputation who held millions of dollars worth of funds for his clients. While Madoff informed such clients that he was investing their funds in securities markets around the world, he was in fact depositing them in one single Manhattan bank account from which he would pay clients if they requested any or all of their invested funds plus whatever profits he had fraudulently insisted they had accrued. The scheme was revealed as Madoff found it impossible pay the number of clients who requested money in the wake of the crisis, leading to discovery that Madoff had operated the largest ponzi scheme in history. Importantly, Madoff was an individual had served on several regulatory boards, and who had been the subject of several investigations and warnings prior to the discovery of the scene, each of which had failed to discover his fraudulent actions.

The case presents a situation of clear dishonesty and fraud. Madoff deliberately lied to his clients and actively sought to gain their trust. In sense, he behaved dishonestly and compromized both his clients lives, their capacity to trust other people and also the reputation of the financial sector as a whole. Along with this, it is also the case that Madoff’s activity led to his clients losing millions of dollars on their investment. As such, the case should be seen have both ethical and material consequences.

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Three primary solutions can be promoted with regard to the ethical problems posed by Madoff’s actions. To begin with, Madoff himself must be punished for his crimes. Secondly, there must be tighter regulation introduced within financial services in order to ensure that a similar event cannot take place in the future. Finally, wherever possible, a maximum amount compensation should be paid to each of the people who lost money as a result of Madoff’s behavior. The implementation of the first solution would mean that people who have been wronged and feel deeply betrayed by Madoff are able to feel that a certain degree of justice has been achieved. The second solution would mean that trust could be restored in the financial services industry; something that would enable further investment to take place and would prevent Madoff’s actions from damaging the wider economy. Finally, the implementation of the third solution would enable the material losses suffered by Madoff’s investors to be in some degree redressed.

Each solution upholds key ethical principles. The first of these is the principle that justice should be served in the event of a crime, and that those who have suffered as the result of criminal action should be able to see that this is the case. The second solution upholds the principle of transparency and fairness in business dealings, and the third upholds the principle that those who have been wronged should, as far as possible, have that wrong materially redressed. Importantly, the redistribution of funds back to Madoff’s clients is not intended to be an act of revenge, but it rather an attempt to ensure that those who have suffered material losses are recompensed.

As such, it is clear that a descision involving the imprisonment of Bernie Madoff, the tightening of financial regulations and the provision of compensation for those who lost money is the only way to adequately address the issues posed by the Madoff scandal. Not only will such a descision actively defend the ethical principles which were violated as a result of Madoff’s actions, but they will do so without causing any harm to others, and while reinforcing the rule of law.

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