
Upper Class Honors Transfer Scholarship Essay

656 words | 3 page(s)

I am applying for the Minnesota State University Moorhead Upper Class/Transfer Honors Apprentice Scholarship because of the opportunity it will provide me for working under the tutelage of a renowned faculty member. Since my major is film production, I would want to work in conjunction with one of our esteemed faculty members to bring to fruition a project that would benefit the academic community as well as enhance my knowledge of the subject manner.

I first became interested in film making when I was only eight years old. I would immerse myself in the classical movies as well as the new releases, and I would thoroughly examine each scene while recreating in my mind’s eye a more effective way to shoot it. My passion that began as a child has not waned in the intervening years. Instead, my love of celluloid has doubled to the point of where it consumes almost my entire day with classes in film production, marketing and film techniques. I constantly push myself to learn more and accomplish more. This scholarship would help me to do that. Not only would I have the opportunity to study for two years at the feet of one of the best cinematographers on our faculty, but also I would garner the coveted position of being able to produce high quality work that would serve as a benefit to both me and the University.

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My dream of becoming an excellent movie maker who specializes in fantasy style movies, is closer to becoming a reality with the advent of this scholarship. It is my hope that my apprentice work will evolve into something of a substantial nature, and that my mentor and I can collaborate to produce a piece that is timeless and classic. In the film industry, application is important to truly comprehending one’s art, and make no mistake about it, film making is an art. It is my hope that my mentor can teach me all of the little nuances and “tricks of the trade” that will make me a better film maker.

I have spent numerous hours contemplating a film project that would benefit my University, and I have one in mind that will showcase our entire academic community. I would like to utilize members of the art department to contribute their expertise, along with my mentor’s, in creating a film worthy of submission to a local film festival. I would like to spearhead this project as its director while my mentor would be in the producer role thereby ensuring that I was perfecting my art during the production. By learning how to oversee each aspect of production, I can improve my skills. By utilizing on site graphic arts students as well as other film and arts students, we can develop a symbiotic relationship. Although I have not delved into script writing, I would welcome the opportunity to learn more about that so that I may understand every aspect that goes into producing a movie. I would like to create a film that features the University, its art department students and its arts department faculty members. Working on this film would benefit those students who are assisting with its production by providing them with experience that could transfer to a resume or portfolio upon successful completion. This film could be utilized in the future for the University’s marketing and public relations campaigns when recruiting students and student athletes. Using this film to win the local film festival would be yet another benefit to the entire collegiate community.

I look forward to using this scholarship to better myself academically and professionally while, at the same time, making the University a more well known center of academic excellence. My passion for film making continues to grow as I contemplate what the future holds for me. By receiving this scholarship, I am one step closer to realizing my dreams in a tangible way.

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