
Watching Movie in a Theater

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There was a time when Blockbuster was one of the favorite places for movie enthusiasts but now Blockbuster is a thing of the past. This shows how Americans now watch movies in a different manner as evident by the rise of online streaming services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime. But America’s love affair with theater is still alive but people do not go to theaters just to watch movies but enjoy the overall experience which cannot be replicated at home. For many including me, watching a movie is often an afterthought when making plans to go to a theater.
The experience begins even before one has purchased the tickets. As one looks around while standing in the line to purchase tickets, one sees people in almost every age group from couples with kids to high school and college students having a night out. The air often smells of cigarette smoke because smokers cannot smoke inside so they are in a hurry to get the last puff for the next few hours. Similarly, the atmosphere is noisy, filled with countless conversations being taken place in the surroundings. It is also not unusual to hear loud laughter, usually from teenagers who could not care less about how others may perceive them.

As soon as one enters the theater, the level of noise does decline but it is joined by smell of food, mostly of the popcorn. In fact, the smell of buttery popcorn is so alluring it leaves many people with little choice but to purchase one for themselves, even at premium prices as compared to the street prices. One even suspects the smell of popcorn surrounding the inner environment of the theater is a deliberate attempt to sell more food to the customers.

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The final destination inside the theater is the screening room. Despite the clear sign at the entrance of the screening room that instructs visitors to observe silence, one is met with quite a noisy environment upon entering the screening room. But the moviegoers can be forgiven if the movie has not started yet. But, nonetheless, the sheer number of people glued to their smartphones does take one by surprise. It reminds one technology has become such an integral part of one’s life that even in a setting like a theater, most people cannot bear to be without their gadgets. The room is dark but there is enough light to easily maneuver around. It is simply because there are countless smart phones in the room who together produce enough light just as the fireflies make it possible for anyone to navigate in the dark.

Once the movie starts, one is reminded of why it is so much fun to see a movie in the theater. The advanced audio technology in the theater enables sound waves to move around in the room in such an efficient manner that it seems sound waves are hitting us from every angle. One also hears the beautiful background sound and cannot help but praise the work of sound editors who have worked on the movie. Watching a movie on Netflix rarely reveals the talent of sound editors in a manner one experiences in the theater screening room.

As soon as the movie ends, many people leave the screening room without watching the ending credits. But there are still some who stay until the end. It is reasonable to assume those who stay until the credits end may be true movie enthusiasts because they want to know everyone who worked on the movie and not just the actors who starred in the movie. Some may also stay out of respect for those who may not be familiar faces but who worked hard behind the scenes to give us an awesome movie.
Watching a movie in a theater is a unique experience that cannot be replicated at home. Thus, it is not a surprise while Americans watch movies at home in a different manner as compared to the past but their loyalty to theaters remain strong.

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