
Water Conservation, Promoting Healthy Life Style

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Water is an essential resource to the existence of living organisms hence often referred to as a source of life. By and large people across the world both in rural as well as urban areas have experienced inadequacy when it comes to clean water supply for their daily consumption (Gleick, 2014). Water usage touches every sector from the economic to the ethical as well as the religious section. The other parts that the utilization of this precious resource seems more pronounced are in the nationwide/global setting, food production and supply, in manufacturing industries and politics.

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Sustainable development (trade and industry, community along with ecological subdivisions), an initiative that has been in play for about a decade now is also greatly affected by the availability of clean water that is fit for human consumption. According to the rules and regulations outlined in the sustainable development initiative, the dirt free water is supposed to be accessible to the present generation and should be used considerably as the same is to be conserved for the future. Since water is used in every sector, human development also depends on it and the policies that have been put in place for the purposes of enhancing water conservation should be enforced further.

The Objective of the Study
To make people (mostly the youth) more aware of the effects their actions are causing in the environment and in turn the water resources around them.

Target Audience
Long before scientists discovered the effects of climate, people lived and used water resources exploitatively. This is one of the reasons why water supply is less than the amount that people require the world over. This is a problem that is affecting everyone at the moment but if people are to follow the regulations put across by the authorities, the future generations stand to benefit more.

Statement of the Problem
Fresh water that is used by humans in regions such as Los Angeles comes from surface water sources (including rivers, and other fresh water reservoirs); these are more often than not stocked up by precipitation. Human activities have a great effect on how much this water gets to be used in companies and households; this is evident when some conscious individuals build more reservoirs in order to store most of the water received through precipitation and when others drain wetlands for the reason that they require the land to build various facilities. When pavements and water channels are put up, runoff increases hence a reduction in the amounts that can be stored for upcoming usage. The water that is received through precipitation can be highly contaminated by the residual particles (in the atmosphere) that result from a range of human activities (Stocker, 2014). This means that the water has to be treated and taken through extra process to make it fit for consumption.
Groundwater is also an ideal source of water; this is water from subsurface aperture spaces of top soils alongside those of rocks. Aside from these, there is also the volume of water that run through aquifers just beneath a water table. The amounts that can be pumped from underground are overwhelming but there is one factor that cannot be overlooked: pollution. While participating in an assortment of economic and social activities, harmful chemicals are discharged. These are often deposited on the ground and most of it is buried. The residue end up in water bodies so long treatment procedures are required whenever the water is to be put into constructive use. Agricultural products also tend to contaminate water sources when they are overexploited. Amid all the recycling and conservation, the demand still exceeds the supply of water universally. Most of the water in Los Angeles for instance comes from other parts of the country.

There is a constant increase in global temperatures as a result of human activities such as the excessive emission of greenhouse gases into the air. This in turn affects the quality of water that is available at any given time. There is a constant increase in human population as well as rapid urbanization also threatens water supply all the more. Energy (hydroelectric power being one of the cleanest sources of energy) production also depends on water availability; for states such as Los Angeles where energy is held in the highest regard it is quite significant that water is conserved as much as possible.

The solution to all these problems would be the enforcement of the policies already formulated. The usage of renewable sources of energy should also be put into effect for the reason that t is bound to reduce the amounts of greenhouse gases emitted into the air (Edenhofer et al, 2011). For the long-term, the rate at which climate change takes could then be minimized. Climate change being one of the most destructive occurrences from the amounts of droughts and famine cases experienced in various parts of the world.

  • Edenhofer, O., Pichs-Madruga, R., Sokona, Y., Seyboth, K., Matschoss, P., Kadner, S., … & von Stechow, C. (2011). IPCC special report on renewable energy sources and climate change mitigation. Prepared By Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
  • Gleick, P. H. (Ed.). (2014). The world’s water volume 8: The biennial report on freshwater resources (Vol. 8). Island Press.
  • Stocker, T. (Ed.). (2014). Climate change 2013: the physical science basis: Working Group I contribution to the Fifth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press.

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