
Water Purity

554 words | 2 page(s)

To Whom It May Concern:

Water is the most important substance on the planet. All living things need it to survive, and the dwindling supplies of fresh water are a big concern. With increasing population and pollution, there has been less and less fresh water all around the world. Furthermore, higher temperatures have caused more droughts, making water shortage even worse.

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One proposed solution to this problem is to use more bottled water. Bottled water is very popular, and current statistics show that as many as a third of the public purchases it regularly. In fact, many want to use bottled water rather than their own tap water, as they believe it is better quality. While it is true that bottled water is better than the water in certain places, completely using bottled water as a solution to worsening water purity isn’t the right answer. In fact, purchasing bottled water isn’t a guarantee that the regulations on its purity are particularly strict, and the water may not be particularly pure at all.

According to the National Resources Defense Council, people not only spend more money on bottled water, but the water often doesn’t come from the place the bottles claim they do. For example, one bottled water was depicted as coming from a serene mountain spring, when it actually came from a well near a hazardous waste facility, and the water was often contaminated well beyond the FDA’s standard for bottled water.

Truthfully, tap water often has regulations that make it cleaner than bottled water. The FDA says that tap water cannot have E. coli or fecal coliform bacteria in it, but there aren’t such rules for bottled water. City tap water is also required to be filtered, or else must have protective measures for the water source. It also has to meet standards for toxic chemicals, and some of these chemicals can leech from plastic bottles, such as the bottles used for bottled water. If city water violates these rules, those rules will be enforced.

However, bottled water can still be sold as long as it says on the label that it has high levels of toxicity. Furthermore, violations in city water supply have to be reported to federal or state authorities, but the same isn’t true for bottled water. Water system operators for the city need to be certified for properly treating the water, but this isn’t the case for bottled water. With all of the lax regulation around the so-called ‘purification’ of bottled water, it is clear that only relying on bottled water isn’t a good idea. While much bottled water is good quality, there isn’t enough regulation on bottled water to make it completely safe. In addition, bottled water contributes to waste on the planet. The plastic from the bottles is often thrown into landfills, and contributes to the overabundance of trash around the world.

Bottled water can be helpful, but it has several negative aspects to it as well. It is important to remember this when trying to solve the water purification issue around the world. Instead, it would be better to try and preserve pure water sources, and clean up the water that has been polluted. Doing that would offer more long-term solutions than simply relying on bottled water.

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