
Weather, Climate and Biosphere

368 words | 2 page(s)

Earth can be classified into two broad categories: Living and non-living things. Biotic and Abiotic agents interact in an ecosystem through processes such as energy cycles, leading to the production of resources that are necessary for sustaining life on the planet (Shah 1). Notably, biodiversity refers to the many species on earth, each exhibiting diversity in their genetic pool. Agents in an ecosystem interact depending on their proximity to each other; therefore the planet has many ecosystems. Arguably, earth can be classified as an ecosystem since interactions between abiotic elements such as air, significantly affect the entire collection of living organisms in land and water.

Biodiversity is necessary for survival. Plant and animals have impressive varieties of genetic composition that preserve the integrity of species, reducing the risk of extinction (Shah 1). The extinction of a species can occur naturally; however, due to human interaction with nature, the process is accelerated between 100 to 1000 times faster, raising concerns over long-term implications (Rahbek 1). Notably, the various mass extinction phases that occurred on earth millions of years ago were influenced by changes in natural elements such as volcanic activity or asteroid collisions. Currently, competition for natural resources may lead to extinction if sustainability efforts are not prioritized globally.

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The biodiversity crisis will lead to the extinction of human beings if it is not addressed properly through relevant policy instruments. Biodiversity directly influences the productivity within ecosystems; therefore, it determines the availability of food, research on medicines, and stability of climate. Ultimately, biodiversity determines a planet’s resilience to damage and ability to recover from external interferences such as asteroid collisions prompting conservation efforts. The biodiversity crisis may have significantly higher repercussions than the threat imposed by climate change (Lepisto 1). Since biodiversity has a crucial role in determining the health of the planet, political, religious and community leaders should sustain awareness campaigns and adopt feasible intervention strategies.

  • Lepisto, Christine. “Biodiversity Loss Versus Climate Change: Which is Worse?” Treehugger, https://www.treehugger.com/endangered-species/biodiversity-loss-versus-climate-change-which-worse.html. Accessed 17 November 2017.
  • Rahbek, Carsten. “The Biodiversity Crisis: Worse than Climate Change.” University of Copenhagen, http://news.ku.dk/all_news/2012/2012.1/biodiversity/. Accessed 17 November 2017.
  • Shah, Anup. “Why Is Biodiversity Important? Who Cares?” Global Issues, http://www.globalissues.org/article/170/why-is-biodiversity-important-who-cares

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