
Personal Statement for Stern School of Business

636 words | 3 page(s)

The world of business is continually evolving. This is because of shifting tastes from what consumers are demanding in the marketplace. The service industry is no different, as these changes are the direct result of new regulations, products and services which are developed. For anyone to be successful, requires understanding these transformations and having the flexibility to adjust with them.

The Stern School of business is at the forefront for evolving and applying the principles of business theory in achieving these objectives. It is focused on providing tomorrow’s leaders with the ability to think clearly, creatively and utilize broad perspectives to be successful in business. As a student who is majoring in Food Science at Ohio State University, I plan to utilize these skill sets to be more prepared for the challenges I will face in the future.

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Two different career paths I will be taking over the long term include: becoming an entrepreneur in my own business or enhancing food safety in a regulatory environment. In the case of entrepreneurship, this will occur with me utilizing my degree in Food Science from Ohio State to obtain more advanced certifications (i.e. my Master’s and PHD degrees). During this process, I will learn critical insights about the food industry. That will help me to eventually open my own chain of restaurants in my native country.

After completing my education, I will gain experience by working in the food service industry as an executive. This will enable me to understand the business and to develop my practical knowledge. Once I have worked in the sector for several years, I will start my own restaurant and then begin opening a chain of them. This will allow me to build my leadership skills and create an empire to meet the demands of customers.

In the case of enhancing food safety in a regulatory environment, I will be focused on working in government as a food safety inspector. Once I have gained experience, is when I will start working in a supervisory role. This will help me to create standards for monitoring and determining the quality of food. That is sold to consumers in restaurants, grocery stores and other locations.

The specific factors that will determine which path I take will depend upon the state of economy when I graduate and the kind of experience I can gain. If the economy is facing considerable challenges, I will more than likely begin working in government. This will give me the ability to learn the industry and build my understanding of the regulatory environment. However, if the economic conditions are strong, I will begin working as an executive. This is because the skills I will gain in the process; will help me to see what it takes to operate a successful restaurant chain.

Moreover, the experience from each position will also be a major factor in my decision. This is based upon real world expertise, which will help me to gain leadership and management skills. Those jobs which can most effectively give me these skill sets are the ones I will select.

At NYU Stern, I can gain invaluable insights in becoming an effective leader, understanding what it takes to be successful in business and learning key concepts. This will occur, by working with people who are successful in the field and using their wisdom to build my own knowledge.

Furthermore, the reputation of NYU as an Ivy League school; will assist me in gaining the education and skills to become successful in my own career. It is at this point, when I can have the tools to enable me to be successful in whatever career I choose. This is when I can create new inroads in the world of business and leave a lasting legacy for others to follow.

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